Chapter 9-What a surprise I have

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Chapter 9-What a surprise I have

Rosemary's P.O.V.

We've all been walking to the castle, but no one has bothered to say a word. I was scared for Heather, that warlock wants my sister, I guess she's the real Sugar-Plum Princess.

"What was that warlock's name?" I asked Caitlyn and Blake. I don't even think Heather knows that the bad boy is the Nutcracker.

"Tyrant, long story short no one talks to him and his dark magic. Everyone stays clear of him, nothing ever surprises him, until you just showed off," Caitlyn explained, ending with a smile.

"Rosemary, where did you learn to do all that? I've been your sister ever since we were born and I never knew you could do that," Heather asked with curiousity swimming in her eyes.

"Mom and dad got me lessons, been learning karate, gymnastics, and ballet since I was three, never stopped once, and all those three combined, made me able to do what I just did," I explained to everyone.

"Well at least I know your name, Rosemary," Blake said with his signature smirk. I just rolled my eyes and we all continued to walk.

"So, Tyrant gave away that Heather is the Sugar-Plum Princess," Caitlyn said. I guess so, she does deserve it. Why would I be upset, it's not like I like Blake after all the mean things he did to me. Once this is all over, we'll go back to school, and everything will be the way it used to be.

"So that means that we have to protect Heather, plain and simple," I added into the conversation. Sadly, Caitlyn had to add something that I didn't want to hear.

"That also means that Blake and Heather have to fall in love with each other," Caitlyn added. I looked up to a confused Heather, I know what she was thinking. I'm the one that opened up Blake, so that gives me the right to be the real Sugar-Plum Princess. But that's wrong, I might be the older one by a minute but Heather deserves all this.

We continued walking to the castle, but it would take another day so we were heading towards a derserted house that we can stay at for the night.

Tyrant's P.O.V.

Ha ha! Those fools fell for my trap! I was watching them in my cauldron right now, they were all walking to some place that they were going to stay at for the night.

I know who the real Sugar-Plum Princess is, it's Rosemary. She's very different than what I thought she would be, but she's even better.

Some of the past mouse king's have sometimes tried to kill the next Sugar-Plum Princess, but Rosemary is different. Never has a Sugar-Plum Princess been able to fight, or even defend themselves.

I just said I wanted to take her sister Heather, I never did say that Heather was the real Sugar-Plum Princess. If I took Heather than I knew that Rosemary would come to save her precious sister. In turn, the Sugar-Plum Princess would have come right to me.

I continued to watch Rosemary in my cauldron, I could tell she was disappointed that her sister was the Sugar-Plum Princess, not really, and she wasn't.

So, Rosemary has been taking karate, gymnastics, and ballet for years. I was watching her dance earlier with Princess Caitlyn, they are both very good dancers. But I don't think this kingdom has ever seen anyone dance as gracefully and as peaceful as Rosemary has.

"Lord Tyrant, what are your orders," One of my men asked me. I could always change them into anything I want, men, servants, shadows, anything I wish.

"We're grabbing the Sugar-Plum Princess tonight, when everyone else is asleep," I informed the man standing behind me. A smile appeared on my face thinking that I will finally have this kingdom.

"My Lord, the weak girl you wanted us to capture earlier?" The man asked me. Heather was a joke compared to someone like Rosemary. I've seen the girls at school, Rosemary is nothing like that quiet girl I've seen. You see, I have been to the other world, and I've known for years who was going to be the next Sugar-Plum Princess, and I knew that I would be the next mouse king.

When Rosemary's around her three friends, she's herself. I've even seen the way Blake, or the Nutcracker, treats Rosemary in school. I find it rediculous, I don't even think that Blake knows how he treats her.

I saw Blake push her on the ice, I know that Rosemary's the only friend Princess Caitlyn has ever had in the human world, I've known about when he pushes her books out of her hands. I've seen it all, and Blake doesn't even know that every time he walks into someone, or pushes them against the lockers by accident, that it's always Rosemary he does it to.

I've been in the dark for years, watching Rosemary. I never knew that she took karate and gymnastics, I just knew that she took ballet, which she is very good at.

"No you idiot, I mean Rosemary, the one that knocked out most of my guards," I informed this guy, getting a little angry that he didn't know which one I was talking about. The man gulped with fear when he realized which girl I was talking about.

"Y-yes, my Lord," The man stuttered before bowing and running off to tell the rest of my men my orders. Ha! This is the first Sugar-Plum Princess that has made my men stutter and gulping in fear, besides me of course.

If I can turn her evil than there would be no stopping her, she'd be ruler of everyone, along with me by her side, of course. I have the perfect plan to get her to come willingly, too.

Rosemary's P.O.V.

The house wasn't that bad, and we were only staying in there for a night. It wasn't to dark out, but I had no idea where to get some food.

"Caitlyn, where can we get some food?" I asked Caitlyn. Before she could answer mine and Heather's stomachs growled to life. I even think Blake was able to hear it, and he was in another room.

"Are we being attacked by a bear? Oh! Is Winnie the Pooh here?" Blake said while running out of the room he was in.

I just started laughing along with Heather and Caitlyn. I could never picture Blake as a Winnie the Pooh fan, but it was still funny.

"I'll go catch us some food, there's usually wild animals running around that are no good," Caitlyn said while leaving the house.

Caitlyn's P.O.V.

It's never happened before, it's only ever been one girl that comes here. Which one is the real Sugar-Plum Princess, honestly I think Rosemary fills the job. It would also be pretty cool to have her as my sister-in-law.

I walked around a little bit, trying to find some wild animals for us to each, not everything is good in this world, take Tyrant for an example.

I heard a twin snap and thought it was a wild animal, there's usually tons around here. I slowly walked over towards the little bush, not wanting to scare the dangerous animal away, and that does kind of sound werid.

Once it knows my presence then it will try to attack me, reason why I'm trying to sneek up on it. I slowly moved the bush out of my way, while managing not to make a sound, and then what a surprise I have.

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