Chapter 11-My sweet Sugar-Plum Princess

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Chapter 11-My sweet Sugar-Plum Princess

Rosemary's P.O.V.

We appeared in a creepy forest, but it didn't bother me at all. I just saved my sisters life, once she falls in love with Blake I'll be able to leave, I'll return to the human world and everything will be ok.

That was the reason why I wasn't bothered by Tyrant's arms around me. I wasn't afriad by the forest or Tyrant and his creatures, I couldn't escape until Heather falls in love with Blake.

"You know why you're here, right?" Tyrant whispered in my ear. His voice sent shivers down my spine, and not the good kind of shivers. I made sure that Tyrant didn't notice though.

"I'm your new fighter," I answered. Tyrant started chuckling, like his voice, it was a little scary. This guy is a warlock, and the mouse king in this story, he'll try his best to get Heather again.

"You're wrong princess, or should I say Sugar-Plum Princess," Tyrant whispered in my ear, and by his voice I could tell he was smiling. Me, I froze after he said that. He can't be serious.

"My sister is the real Sugar-Plum Princess," I corrected, not wanting what he said to be true.

"I never said she was the real Sugar-Plum Princess, I just fooled you all. I've got to say, your very beautiful and different than most Sugar-Plum Princesses," Tyrant said while playing with my hair that was still in a tie.

I wanted to throw him over my shoulder, turn his horse around, and leave this forest. But something was holding me back from doing that, from moving myself at all.

"Like I said, you can't go back on your word. Whenever you want to leave, your body will freeze so you can't do anything," Tyrant reminded me. I closed my eyes shut, he was right, I couldn't break the deal now, whatever promise you make in this world, you can't go back on your word.

"What do you plan on doing with me? The mouse king in the story tried to kill Clara," I asked Tyrant. I rather he kill me than harm my sister.

"My sweet Sugar-Plum Princess, I would never harm you. So beautiful, strong, devoted, graceful, everything I want, but I never found all these things in a girl," Tyrant whispered in my ear. He than stopped when we appeared in front of a huge creepy castle that was in the middle of the creepy forest.

I quickly hopped off the horse and walked into the castle. I didn't care where I stayed in this castle, I just didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Tyrant whispered in my ear when he caught me. He had wrapped his hands around my waist to stop me from running off.

I didn't bother to answer Tyrant, hopefully Blake, Caitlyn, and Heather know that I'm the real Sugar-Plum Princess and come to rescue me. I can't break myself free, but that doesn't mean that they can get me free.

"Just show me where my room is and I'll be happy to get out of your way," I gritted through my teeth. I wouldn't smile though, I wouldn't do anything he ask me to.

"Oh you're not in my way, all I had planned was to make sure that you don't escape, and you already made that deal so I have nothing to worry about," Tyrant whispered in my ear. He still wouldn't let go of my waist, which irritated me.

"Fine, than just tell me where my room is," I gritted through my teeth again. I was becoming sick of Tyrant and I was starting to get tired. That's it!

I started closing my eyes and I yawned, leaning forward instead of into Tyrant and also letting my legs dangle. He picked me up bridal style while I just continued to pretend to fall asleep.

"I'll put you in bed, after I show you something," Tyrant whispered to me. I don't get why he keeps whispering, we're like the only two in this stupid castle.

I didn't say anything, but then he put me back on my feet, or tried to at least. I just kept pretending to fall asleep.

"I know you're faking, once I show you something I'll bring you straight to your room," Tyrant said. I opened my eyes and stood up.

Tyrant brought me into some dark room. The walls were made of dark colored bricks, there were tons of spell books all over this place, and there was a cauldron in the middle of the room.

I walked down the steps and followed Tyrant to the middle of the room, where the cauldron was. He threw some spices and stuff into the cauldron while I tried to stay as far away from that thing as possible.

"Just watch what happens in this cauldron, then I'll bring you to your room," Tyrant said. Something that was swimming in his eyes were telling me that it was a bad idea to watch.

But I would also like to go to my room and spend the rest of my life there rather than with Tyrant, the warlock, over here. I didn't lean over the cauldron, I just looked as it swirled by itself and started to show something.

It showed Caitlyn, Heather, and Blake when we left. Blake was surrounded by a dying fire and Caitlyn and Heather were still tied to a tree. I don't get what the point of this was.

Once the fire was done, Blake ran towards Caitlyn and Heather and started untying them. He was almost done untying Caitlyn when a shadow snuck up behind him.

The shadow pulled out a sword and cut Blake's head of. Blake's wooden body fell to the ground and didn't move, just got covered more and more by the snow. I held my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming.

The shadow then pointed the sword to Caitlyn's chest, where her heart is. Slowly, he slid the sword into her chest. Tears started filling my eyes, but none would roll down my cheeks.

Once the shadow knew Caitlyn was dead, he proceeded to do the same thing to Heather. I fell to the ground in tears when Heather's eyes started to close. I couldn't take it anymore, I saved my sister's life for nothing, she still lost it.

I heard Tyrant snap his fingers but I didn't take my hands away from my eyes. I knew it would have been no good for me to look into that cauldron.

Tyrant picked me up and placed me on something soft, I didn't care if I was on a bed, I just saw my friends and sister die. How was that even possible, Tyrant said he wouldn't harm them.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt them, you can't break a promise," I choked out. I tried to calm down but I honestly couldn't, not when I knew what had happened when we left.

"Yes, I did, but I didn't kill them, my shadows just did, not me. You've got to understand my precious princess, there are loop wholes in some promises," Tyrant explained to me.

More tears just poured out of my eyes. No, how could he do this? I know he's the bad guy, but this is unbelievable.

I'll never get to dance with Caitlyn, Heather and I can never act like true sisters, Heather will never be able to see mom and dad, and I'll never get pushed again by Blake, I'll never be able to do any of these things again.

I cried myself to sleep, knowing that I couldn't change any of their deaths.

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