Chapter 1-December 1st

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Chapter 1-December 1st

Rosemary's P.O.V.

I shut my locker while my friends made there way over towards me.

"Hey Rose," Jake greeted me.

"Hey Rosie," Melody greeted me.

"Hey Rosemary," Amanda greeted me.

We're all in the same grade and we have most classes together. Now, as you can see we're not that popular in school. If you want to talk about the popular life then you can talk to my sister, Heather, also known as the captin of the cheerleader team. Lucky me that I'm her sister. Yea, not really.

"Hey guys, can you believe that Christmas is coming so soon?" I asked my friends, they all know that winter and christmas is my favorite time of the year.

"I know, I still have to go Christmas shopping for everyone, I was planning on going after school so I don't waste my time," Amanda said. See, I've already done my christmas shopping. I know that Amanda will like some make-up, Melody loves to read so I got her some books, and I got Jake pj's that has Santa Claus on them.

I know that my friends will like them, I always know what to get my friends. But what to get my sister, that's another story. I got my gifts for my friends early because I have ballet class after school and on December 24th we're putting on a show for an orphanage of the nutcracker.

Today, my teacher is going to decide who plays the roll of Clara, and one of the girls is going to have to play the nutcracker, who's suppose to be played by a guy, but guy's never take ballet so it's all good.

That's how it is every year, but after the show, the orphanage gives everyone in the show one present. They place them under a tree they share. They always say who it's from and usually it's a card that says thanks for everything.

"Same, and my guess would be that Rose already got all of our gifts and wrapped them," Jake said, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Yup, that and everyday after school you know that I'm going to be practicing for the play, so I wouldn't even have time to go shopping anymore, are you guys coming to see it again this year?" I asked my friends. They see it every year, but I'm not sure if they're even coming this year.

We all started walking to class while talking.

"Of course, you just need to make sure you give us our tickets," Melody reminded me. That put a smile on my face, if they came to see the show then they were coming to the little party we bring to the orphanage.

"But of course, you know that no one else will be coming if you three don't," I said and ended with a smile. My parents are in the army, they were suppose to be home but got caught up and won't make it back home in time for Christmas.

Heather and I barely talk to each other even though we're sisters, that, and she doesn't like any kinds of plays anymore. She used to love them, but now she just doesn't care about them. She also used to like Christmas just like me, but of course that changed to.

"Rose, we're all going to be there to cheer you on, don't think for one second we won't," Jake told me with a smile. Before I could say anything, I was on the ground, my books were all over the floor, and my glasses fell off.

"Hey!" I yelled when I couldn't see anyone. I couldn't see without my glasses but my hood also fell over my eyes. I took my hood off and then went for my glasses, or what I was hoping was my glasses.

Once my glasses were on I saw someone walking into the people that were behind me. The person was wearing a black jacket and his hood was up, along with black sneakers and dark jeans, lovely! Must be the person that ran into me.

My friends helped me collect my books and none of us said a word after that. What a lovely morning this turned out to be.

We all went to our classes and none of us spoke about who that person was that ran into me. My guess is he was a guy, couldn't see their face but they were definietly as strong as a guy. We didn't know who he was or why he even did that, did he ever learn anything about manners though?

Blake's P.O.V.

When I got home I found a note on the table. My parents weren't home and my 15 year old sister was at some practice or something, I wasn't really paying attention to my parents.

Please pick Caitlyn up from her play practice at the dance studio. It's about a 15 minute walk away. Ends at five.



Lovely! Now I have to pick her up from her play practice. Well it's about four, I've got an hour to kill until I need to pick my sister up.

This Christmas is not going to be a good one, I'm dreading the day the 24th comes. That will be the day I'm ready to kill myself, still can't believe I have to fall in love. Why did that witch have to place a curse on my great-grandfather in the first place? What in the world did he do that made her place this curse on him?

I decided to kill some time by watching TV. What could possibly be better than watching TV?

Rosemary's P.O.V.

I got lucky enough to be Clara this year in the show. I was so happy that all my hard work paid off. One of the sugarplum's is really amazing at ballet. She does some moves wrong, but she is still amazing.

"Hey Caitlyn, you were really good today," I complimented while picking my dance bag up. I was one of the last girls that was leaving while Caitlyn just sat in a chair and looked out the window. She jumped when she heard my voice.

"Oh, you were really good yourself, I could never be as good as you," She replied. I think Caitlyn was one of the most polite girls I've ever met in my life. She had beautiful black hair and amazing green eyes.

"We still have a few weeks till the show, would you like me to help you with anything?" I asked her while she continued to stare out the window. I wonder who was picking her up?

"If you don't mind really, I really need some help with some of the parts," Caitlyn said. I smiled down at her, I've never met any other girl like her.

"Of course not, is someone picking you up?" I asked her while placing my bag on the floor. She sighed really loud and continued to look out the window.

"Yea, my older brother's suppose to pick me up, it's a fifteen minute walk to my house from here, we could stay here tomorrow extra so you could help me practice," Caitlyn said while grabbing her stuff.

"We could practice at my house, or go to yours and practice, if you're not busy," I replied while grabbing my bag and walking outside the front door with her.

"I'm not, but are you sure you want to help me?" Caitlyn asked me. I smiled down at her with one of my sweet smiles.

"Of course, you could even help me cause I feel like I don't even have everything right," I replied back to her. She gasped at my responce.

"From what I was seeing everything looked amazing," Caitlyn said. I giggled at the girl, there was nothing perfect about me.

"Not really, I have no one to help me with my moves, I have to try and learn all by myself. But that might change if I have a partner," I said and ended with a smile.

"Me either, how about everyday after practice we stay an extra hour at the studio to help each other?" Caitlyn proposed. I shook her hand and we continued to walk to her house while it started to snow.

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