Chapter 3-What will happen to Clara?

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Chapter 3-What will happen to Clara?

Caitlyn's P.O.V.

It's been two days since I last saw Rosemary. She wasn't at practice yesterday and I wonder what happened to her. She probably ditched me like everyone else did, I should of known having a friend was to good to be true.

But I know she would have at least been at practice. I made it to practice, just to learn that she wasn't here again. I'm starting to worry about her. Why would she miss practice when she's the star of the show?

Our teacher has been trying to work on everyone else without Rosemary here. No one seems to know what happened to her either, which is why I'm going to try and look for her after class, whether Blake is here or not.


Blake actually showed up to pick me up after I was done class. Good, now he can help me find out what happened to Rosemary. I remember where Rosemary told me she lived. In the opposite direction from my house and a ten minute walk away.

"Come on Caitlyn, mom and dad are home and getting dinner ready," Blake told me when I was an arm length away from him.

"I need to go to my friends house first. I haven't seen her the past two days and I'm starting to worry about her," I informed my idiot of a brother. Sadly I know that he's mad, I know about the whole him turning into a nutcracker and he really hates it.

"What friend?" Blake asked me. Blake knows that I don't really have any friends, but he doesn't know that it's because of him.

"You wouldn't know her, but she knows who you are," I replied back. This only got a smirk on my brothers face, he's so famous for being the bad boy at school that no one in any of the other grades will go near me. That's mainly why I don't have any friends.

I don't even want to remember why I had friends, that just wasn't right. Using me just so they could get my brother to like them, the nerve of all those girls. But I could tell that Rosemary is different from all those other girls I had as friends, I just know something is different about her.

"I don't want you to say anything else, either you follow me to her house or you leave me and get in trouble by mom and dad," I said to Blake. I knew he wanted to just go back home and forget about the whole nutcracker thing, but I had to know what happened to Rosemary.

"Fine," Blake grumbled. I knew he wouldn't like it, but for once we're doing something that I want to do.

We walked the ten minutes to Rosemary's house and I found the house that Rosemary described. I knocked on the front door and found a girl that looked like Rosemary, but I knew was no where near Rosemary.

My brother was waiting a couple of houses away, leaning against a tree. He didn't want to come up with me, and I think he's mad at me for dragging him here.

"Hi, is there a girl named Rosemary that lives here?" I asked the girl in front of me politely. I showed her a smile and she opened the door for me.

"Yea, she lives here, what would you like to know?" The girl asked me rudely. My guess is that this girl is Rosemary's sister, they look alike, but they don't act alike.

"Did something happen to her? I haven't seen her for two days," I asked the girl. I really wished she would tell me that Rosemary was here so I could speak to her. The girl sighed and then turned back to make something that was on the stove.

"I don't know what happened to her, she came home late two nights ago, didn't say anything to me, and went up to her room-" I cut the girl off with a curious question.

"Sorry for interrupting but why didn't she say anything to you? Aren't you two like... sisters?" I asked the girl in front of me.

"Yea, but as you can see we don't act the same, the only thing we have in common is our looks, well... kind of. We haven't really talked to each other for a long time," The girl sighed. I kept my mouth shut, hoping she would continue with the story.

I also wondered why she never talked to her sister, I mean, me and Blake are nothing alike, but we're family and we still talk to each other.

"I went to bring her up some soup two nights ago to find her passed out. The weird thing was she still had one of her boots on, I found out she had a big bump on the back of her head, called a doctor, and he told me that she has a concussion. So she's going to be out for a while, hasn't shown any signs of waking up yet," Rosemary's sister explained.

Now I felt bad for Rosemary, she seemed fine when she was at my house. What could have happened that could have put her in a concussion?

"May I go see her?" I asked her sister. She shrugged, so I made my way up to what was hopefully her room.

I checked all the rooms until the fourth room, I found a girl sleeping in her bed. I walked over to her and her skin looked a little pale, I felt her cheek only to realize it was freezing cold.

I looked around for more blankets and finally spotted some on a chair on the other side of the room. I grabbed two and laid them down on Rosemary, praying that she would warm up and wake up soon.

I gave her body a light hug before walking out of her room, saying thanks to her sister, and leaving her house. I walked past Blake and he followed me as we started walking towards our house.

Blake and I walked in silence until we reached home. I told my parents I wasn't really hungry and they just gave me confused looks, along with Blake.

I walked into my room before anyone could see me cry. Rosemary has been unconscious for two days, at least I know she's not like other girls.

How did Rosemary even get a bump on her head? That's what I really don't understand. I cried into my pillow, trying to make sure my parents or Blake wouldn't hear that I was crying and ask why.

I didn't even tell Blake two days ago that I didn't walk home by myself, he beat my parents home and I didn't bother telling him anything that happened while he was asleep.

Please Rosemary, if you can hear me than please wake up. If you don't wake up soon then our teacher will look for someone else to play the role of Clara, and you deserve that roll so much. What will happen to Clara?

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