Chapter 5-The mouse hole

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Chapter 5-The mouse hole

Rosemary's P.O.V.

I woke up when I felt something was wrong. I put my glasses on and looked at the clock, two minutes until it's officially Christmas. I looked around the living room, nothing was out of place or anything. Then I saw that my nutcracker was missing from on top of the fireplace.

"Heather, what did you do with my nutcracker, that was a gift," I said to her while shaking her. I wanted her awake and to tell me what she did with my nutcracker, it might have been made of wood, but it was really nice to.

Heather just mumbled something that I couldn't hear. The fire was still on, and I could tell that my nutcracker wasn't in it, which I was happy about.

I started looking around the chirstmas tree to see if he maybe fell and rolled under there. I moved one of the presents, and came across a mouse hole I never noticed before. We've never had mice in this house, so where did this mouse hole come from?

I shrugged and was about to move the present back went something unbelievable happened. Two strings of color came out, one was gold and sparkling while the other was a purple with some blue in it along with gold and it was sparkling like crazy.

The gold was wrapping the Christmas tree, adding new decorations, making the lights brighter, and making it look so much more better than what me and Heather did.

The other string of color started to head towards me, that's when I started to panick. I had no idea what this stuff was and if it could harm me or anything. This has got to be some messed up dream.

"Heather!" I yelled while running to her. She bolted up from the couch and her eyes widened once she saw the stream of colors coming at us.

"Oh my gosh! Rosemary, what in the world did you do?" Heather asked me while placing her feet on the couch. We didn't leave because the gold stream was surrounding us.

"I was just looking for my nutcracker until this," I refered to the two streams of colors and sparkles, "happened."

The purple, blue, and gold stream started surrounding me and Heather. We both closed our eyes and waited for something to happen. We didn't feel anything while we grabbed onto each other like we were about to lose each other. Which we probably might.

We both opened our eyes at the same time, to find out we were still sitting on the couch. What shocked us most was that we were shrunk, the actual size of a mouse, lucky us.

We both screamed our heads off like crazy when we found out how small we looked and how much bigger everything else looked. The two streams of colors started to retreat and go back into the mouse hole.

Once those things disappeared into the mouse hole, I stood up and then fell on my butt. I never knew standing on this couch, while being so small, could be so difficult.

"Come on Heather, we have to follow those things, whatever they were," I mumbled the last part, but Heather was able to hear me. She looked at me like I had just lost my mind.

"What! Are you crazy? Why should we follow those things through a disgusting mouse hole when they turned us into the size of the ornaments on our Christmas tree?" Heather asked me all in one breath.

"Cause if those things could make us small, they're bound to turn us back to our normal sizes," I explained to Heather in a calm voice.

"This is starting to remind me of the play you just did a few hours ago. How Clara turned small and walked into a mouse hole, only she had a nutcracker with her," Heather explained. I wasn't really thinking about that until now, but it kind of did remind me of the play.

"Well, my nutcracker did disappear from it's spot above the fireplace. But instead of a nutcracker, I'm stuck with you," I said to Heather. That seemed to lighten the air around us. We both slowly climbed off the couch and made our way towards the mouse hole.

It's a good thing we don't have a dog or anything. But being this small, is kind of freaky.

"Heather, do you think this is a dream? Or do you think this is real?" I asked her while we continued to walk towards the mouse hole.

"Everything feels so real, this could be real, but all of this is unbelievable, none of this could be real," Heather answered while looking at our living room, which is so weird while it's bigger.

"I would agree, we'll determine whether this is a dream or not when we finally wake up," I replied back to my sister. I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Why are you laughing in a situation like this?" Heather asked me like I was crazy.

"Cause it takes us shrinking to finally talk to each other. I miss those days when we used to talk to each other and play together, whatever happened to us?" I asked Heather curiously. I looked at her, wanting to know whether she was lying to me or actually telling me the truth.

"I don't know, I guess I let popularity take over our sisterhood. All that mattered was popularity, I never wanted to lose it, and I forgot about what it feels like to have a sister," Heather admitted. I smiled at my sister, I guess it took us shrinking to finally talk to each other.

"It took both of us shrinking, and some weird sparkling thing appearing, for us to finally communicate with each other," I giggled at the end. We both froze in front of the mouse hole, this is so much like the nutcracker.

"Ready?" I asked Heather while holding my hand out. I don't even want to go into that mouse hole, but we have to find those things so they could turn us back to our normal sizes.

Heather gulped, "Ready." Yea, she sounded just like me. Althought, who could blame her? She grabbed my hand and we both walked into the mouse hole that was more like a doorway for us.

It was pretty dark inside the mouse hole, there was no lights or anything, just complete darkness. I couldn't even tell if anything was in front of me or not, I couldn't even see if my own hand was right in front of my face.

"Rose, I can't see where we're going," Heather whispered to me. I'm glad we're holding hands or else we wouldn't be able to find each other.

"I know, neither can I, don't worry, we'll find an exit soon-" I was cut off when me and Heather slid down something. We were both screaming our heads off and I had no clue where we were going.

This thing was more like a slide but it was to dark for me to tell what mess we were getting ourselves into. Heather and I clung onto each other for our lives. Where ever this thing leads us, I can tell it's not going to be good.

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