Friends, breack down and family

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A/N the pic above is Shenshi when she was younger, just imagine the eye colours swapped

~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

We were walking and coming up to the village we would be helping out. When i saw it my heart dropped. Why, of all villages in the land of snow why did if have to be this one. i swear the whole word is against me. I took a deep breath to calm down, a shinobi must never show their emotion. This was a mission and i would complete it, and push my emotions away. Lets just hope i don't have to go into the Hisha compound. We walked into the village and we were off to see the mayor. I wonder who the new mayor is considering my dad was the last one?

we were  now standing in front of the mayor. He was an old man with grey hair and a scruffy beard and a wrinkled face. If i remember correctly he was a co-worker of my father, and he didn't agree with my fathers methods and did try to stop him. That would explain why he became the mayor. I just hope he is leading this village on the right path.

"I am so glad you accepted our request, we need help fixing some of our farms and buildings, because recently there was a fire and it destroyed a lot of a land. You guys will also be sleeping in an abounded houses. I will take you to see it now." The mayor said.

We followed him, and as we were walking to the place were we would be staying we past many burned down building, and it seems like their on their last food supplies. As much as i hatted my life here it still hurt to see my old home in such misery. I just hope they can bonce back from this fire. All of the sudden i felt something grab onto my leg. I looked behind me to see a young child.

"Do you have any food ma'am?" She asked in a quiet voice.

I knelled down beside here and started digging through my bag.

"Now lets see what i have in here." I pulled out a few instant ramen cups, and about $20 for her and her family. I handed them to her and a huge smile spread across her face. She jumped up and gave me a hug. I stiffened when she did. When she let go of me she ran up to her family and showed them the  food. an older women about in her 30's looked at me and gave a bow. I turned around to see my teammates trying to hold in laughter. I gave them a low growl which caused the to stop.

I contained to walk but then the mayor came up to me a whispered in my ear. "You're very kind for a Hisha, even if you try to hide it."

I froze for a second after he said this and saw him have a sly smirk on his face. How did he know? I mean my hair and eyes kinda give it away, but he knows. I was hoping no one would recognise me. When i realised i was still standing still a ran up to catch up with my team.

~~~~Mayor's pov~~~~

I was surprised to see the girl Sora. The moment i saw her i could tell she was a Hisha, but i thought they all died when their family was killed, but the youngest child in their main branch was never found, so perhaps that is who this girl is. I just hope she doesn't have the attitude of her family, because if she did i don't think she'll be very helpful. I wounder if she'll be shocked when i show them to the place their at while they are staying here?

As we were walking i could see sadness in the Hisha's eyes as see saw what the village has come to. Maybe she's not as bad as most Hisha's. Then all of the sudden a young girl grabbed onto her leg. I was concerned of how the Hisha would react, but to my surprise she bent down to the girls height and started digging through her bag. She pulled out a few instant ramen cups, and what i believe to be $20. The young girl jumped up and gave Sora a hug, she seemed uncomfortable but didn't push the child away. Once she turned around and saw her teammates trying to hold back laughter she gave them a low growl which made them stop. I decided to see if my thoughts of her being a Hisha was true, i was almost certain but this would prove my wrong or right.

We started walking again however and went to the Hisha and whispered something in her ear "You're very kind for a Hisha, even if you try to hide it."

She froze after a said this and i let a sly smirk spread across my face. So i was right.

~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

We coming up to the place we would be staying and my heart fell for the second time today. You have gotta be kidding me, now i know the world is against me. OF ALL PLACES WHY THE HISHA COMPOUND!. I mean come on, why me?

"Wow this place looks really cool, why has it been abandoned." Aisura asked.

"Because this place was the home of a very dangerous, powerful and feared clan, in fact the mayor of this town before me was the leader of this clan, however the whole clan was killed, and no one has wanted to live here due to that fact." The mayor explained.

"that's makes sense."  Shenshi said.

"okay you can sleep here,  may i ask you start your work first thing?" the mayor asked.

we all nodded at him and he left. then Ibiki spoke up

"Okay brats go get some rest we start first thing tomorrow."

Ibiki went away to sleep. i left my teammates to get my emotions under control and sat under a tree, in fact this was a tree i used to hide from my parents once. but of course they found me, and lets just say they were in a very bad mood. just being in this village bring back bad memorises but having to be in this house brings back to much pain I've been suppressing, it's like all the pain is clawing its way back up, and it sucks. I brought my knees up to my chest and hid my face in them. I felt like crying i really did. I heard footsteps and my head shot up to see Shenshi and Aisura standing in front of me with worried expressions on their faces. they both took a seat on either side of me, Aisura on my left and Shenshi on my right.

"you okay Sora?" Aisura asked.

"Truthfully no, no I'm not." my voice slightly cracked.

"What's wrong Sora, you can tell us, we are here for you." Shenshi said

"Do you promise not to hate me?"

"we will always love you like family." Aisura reassured.

"it's just that this place brings back a lot of pain I've been suppressing for 8 years."

"you can tell us"

"fine, my past isn't the best but i will tell you. When i was a lot younger 1, 2 years old. My parents liked to beat me, they nearly killed me multiple times, but my brother was always there to make sure i didn't die. however that didn't stop the pain they inflicted on me. then when i was 2 my whole family was killed. and the two people who killed them took me with them, they did experiments and tortured me for 2 years. the first 4 years of my life was full of endless pain" I struggled to say all of this.

"so why does this place bring back memories." Shenshi asked

"Because this is the village my family lived, and we are in the Hisha compound right now." I choked out.

tears started falling down my face as flashes of the pain came back. my teammates looked at me shocked,  then tackled me into a group hug.

"we will always be here for you Sora. we love yo like family." They both said.

"thank you." i whispered

I happily fell asleep in my friends arms.

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