Hated, Pained and trust

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~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

my teammates decided to drag me to go get some food, after we passed the test, saying, "we need to celebrate," "lets get to know each other," " just accept it and get food with us." They also decided to drag the old man with us, Aisura ran ahead leaving sensei and Shenshi ahead of me, and i was walking behind them. I thought back to the dream and my breath got caught in my throat, and i clenched my fists. It was like i could feel all the bruises, cuts and broken bones that were inflicted on me. I wanted to protect these people with every fibre of my being, but... My thoughts were interrupted by Aisura shouting.

"We're here, lets eat some dango." He chirped happily.

I couldn't help but get exited, I LOVE dango, so much, and i hadn't had in awhile. We were all now sitting in the restaurant eating dango. Aisura was being goofy like usual, how could he always put a smile on his face? It was refreshing being around him, he has nearly made me smile a real smile multiple times. I turned my head to see Shenshi, being her usual self, she always seemed so strict and tough, but I've seen he kind side once or twice. Then i looked at Hiruzen, he was sitting there watching us, he is a kind old man who i care about, he gave me a second chance at life, he accepted me, he made me feel loved, he cared for me, he noticed me, he is the first and only person to see me truly smile. Then I heard shouting outside.

"NARUTO!" I heard a girl yell.

I turned around to see a girl with pink hair, who i believe is Sakura chasing Naruto down the street.


I felt sorry for the Jounin who was put in charge of them. They must have it really tough. Naruto came flying at us, i swiftly dodged, causing him to crash into the table knocking the dango onto the floor. It was like everything was in slow motion as i watched the dango fall, unable to do anything, as it hit the ground my heart sank. I knelt down beside the dango, devastated to what happen to it. Then Naruto being the idiot he is trampled over it and knocked me over in this process.

Anger filled me, and i slowly stood up to face Naruto. My teammates seemed shocked while Hiruzen just smirked at my reaction. Naruto turned around to face me a slightly scared look on his face.

" oh hey, um is it Tora? well I'm sorry Tora." Naruto said sheepishly.

I slightly growled. He got my name wrong, damn it, why does no one even know my name?

"Her name is Sora, get it right you dumb idiot, and when you say sorry actually mean it." Shenshi snapped as she faced Naruto.

"ha like remembering her name actually matters." Sakura stated.

I stood there emotionless , it hurt to hear this, but i was used to it, its no big deal. I looked down preparing for my teammates to agree with them.

"HEY! Sora is nice and strong, and you have no right to talk to her like that!" Aisura snapped.

I stared at my teammates, unable to comprehend what they said. I was shocked to say the least. They were standing up for me, protecting me. Now Shenshi was facing off with Naruto and Aisura was facing off with Sakura. Even though that them standing up for me felt nice and all, they did not need to get involved with this. So i decided to step in and stop this.

"Hey guys, chill it's okay, I'm used to it and you don't need to get involved." i said trying to calm them down.

"No it's not okay, you shouldn't let people treat you like this, you are so nice and kind, and you deserve better." Aisura said with sad eyes.

"He's right, plus we stand up for our friends, and we won't let them hurt you anymore." Shenshi stated matter-of-factually.

I felt like i would cry, they care for me they really care for me.

"Okay i get it, but drop it, this is my fight, and i know i'm better than them and wont go down to their level, I will be the better person." I said

They both looked at me. they gave a sigh, and reluctantly backed off Naruto and Sakura. They stood beside me and shot death glares at the two people walking away.

"thank you for standing up for me." I whispered before running home.

I laid down on my bed and thought "I finally found people who i can put my trust in."

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