Family, Friends and Happiness

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"Today will shall have our first training session." Sensei announced at the three of us standing in a row. 

"YAY YAY YAY!" Aisura exclaimed 

Me and Shenshi just rolled our eyes at his excitement, it was funny watching Aisura at times, but annoying as well. 

"Okay we are going to do hide and seek/tag, you three shall go hide while i seek, make sure I don't find any of you, if one of you guys are found that person will have to run 200 laps around the village, this training session will last 1 hour." Sensei explained. This gained groans from us.  

"Sarutobi sensei, can we have a few minutes to talk before we start this game, i mean training session?" I asked.

"sure go ahead you have 5 minutes." 

I turned to my teammates to formulate a plan. 

"Look I really don't wanna run 200 laps around the village and i don't want any of us  to get caught, so lets come up wit a plan." i said.

"Do you have a plan Sora?" both my teammates asked.

"yes, but are you sure you wanna trust me?"

"Of course you're really smart, and we will put our complete trust in you." Aisura stated gleefully  i gave a small nod a began 

"Okay so we all need to keep tabs on sensei and each other, if you see sensei coming towards any of us you make an animal noise that each of us will have, Aisura when you hear a cat noise that means Sarutobi sensei is close to you, Shenshi if you hear a wolf it means the same, and for me it will be an owl. If any of us need help the others will cause a distraction so the other can get away, we just have to hide for 1 hour, I trust both of you." 

"Hai." they both answered.

"times up, I'll give you 30 seconds to hide, ready, set go!" Sensei called.

We all ran int the forest and hid, i  knew exactly were my teammates were and i could feel the old man coming. we were all pretty well hidden, but we were hiding from the hokage, the strongest ninja in the village. So we are so going to win this. I mean it's not like we're simple genin trying to hide from the hokage, oh wait that is what i happening, what if i screw up for the team. I just need to chill, i know somewhat how the old man works, I've been his student for 8 years, i can do this, i can help myself and my team do this, i just hope that the whole animal noises go well.

I was watching every one carefully, and noticed sensei was getting really close to Aisura, I made the cat noise hoping he would get away, but the old man spotted someone there. me and Shenshi sprang into action, we both grabbed rocks and thew them at the old man. Great plan right?  I mean it's amazing, not. we did distract him so Aisura could get away, but he went after Shenshi, and me being a smart person decided to jump down from my tree to get his attention, it worked, but now i needed to run, i did, but the hokage was hot on my trail, crap i cant get caught, i just need to run and not let him see me for another 10 minutes, crap i really don't wanna run 200 hundred laps around the village. He nearly got me when a few hands pull me away. 

I was in a new hiding spot with Shenshi and Aisura.

"huh why the heck did you idiots do that, you could have been seen!?" i whispered to them.

"you nearly got caught helping us, so it was only fair we help you, besides it wouldn't be fun watching you run 200 laps knowing you were doing that because of us, plus we see you as family and we help our family." Aisura said.

"He's right Sora we do see you as family and we protect our family." Shenshi said.

tears filled my eyes, they care for me they truly care for me. I will protect these two with my life.

"wait, what why are you crying did we say something wrong" Aisura panicked 

 I gave the a warm smile, a true smile, i was truly happy.

"i'm happy truly happy, it's like my small family is expanding." I thought. 

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