2.6 Back Again

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Song: In Bloom - Neck Deep


"Are we there?" Jake asked once the storm cleared and the talisman stopped glowing. My head began to ache.

" 'There?' What are you talking about?" Ellen asked sounding amused.

"I'm not sure." Felix admitted as he stood up slowly searching the yard for any differences.

"It's your backyard, Felix! The same one we were in one second ago." Ellen insisted. "What about that enormous storm? The one that was there, and then now it's completely gone. Nobody else thinks that's weird?" Ellen continues looking up at the sky, I stared at the grass in front of me not really wanting to talk.

"That's the mind-blowing weirdness of being in another universe." Sam told Ellen in a cocky tone.

"If we are in another universe. Felix, did it work?" Jake attempts to gain Felix's attention only to be ignored as Felix searched the yard for something out of the ordinary.

"This universe might look the same, but it isn't the same. Trust me." Sam tries to make Ellen believe. I shake my head at the two bickering and stand up slowly, experiencing a head rush as I do so.

"So this is what crossing universes looks like. Impressive." Ellen told Sam with a sarcastic smile.

"Just prepare to have your tiny mind blown." Sam retorted.

"Look! It's Oscar's Valtirian cruiser." Felix ran over to where Oscar's spaceship toy was lying on the grass and held it up to show us. Jake, Sam, Ellen as well and we walked over to Felix.

"Oh, is that the spaceship that transported us here?" Ellen asked Felix pretending to play along. I rubbed my temples before resting my head on my palm.

"THIS belongs to Oscar, the other Oscar. The one who belongs here." Felix emphasised while holding the spaceship toy. Felix turned around and looked at the garage jogging over to it.

"See, it worked! It's Oscar's room, not mine." I let out a sigh and made my way over following Felix.

"Which proves what, exactly?" Ellen ponders.

"That we're in another universe." Felix states.

"Of course, why didn't I think of that?" Ellen retorts.

"To be fair Ellen that was Felix's room when we got here." I point out quietly bringing my hand up to rub my neck. Ellen's glare redirects to me.

"Come on, we've gotta find Andy." Felix interjected.

"Er, hate to be a downer, guys, but what about the incredibly powerful demon that wants to restore us out of this universe?" Sam asked from beside me.

"This so isn't funny. I'm going home." Ellen mumbles and begins to walk away.

"I wouldn't worry about it, Sam. That demon was only after Felix, remember?" Jake nudges Sam's arm as he smiles cheekily, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hilarious. Come on, we've got to move fast and Stay together." Felix huffs while following after Ellen.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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