2.2 Water Demon Chase

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Song: Growing Pains - Neck Deep


"Andy? Come back!" Sam cried as the four of us panicked. I dropped Jakes hand and wrung my hands around my neck as I began pacing.

"I did not see what I just saw." Jake rushed in denial.

"What was that spell?" Felix asked as he jogged over to where Andy had thrown his book.

"And what was he doing with it?" Jake asked Felix as he stood in shock.

"Andy, can you hear me?" Sam asked as he ran to the pond.

"He got sucked into the sky, doofus! How could this happen?" Jake cried out.

"Looks like Andy was using magic he didn't understand and couldn't control." Felix told us as he made his way back over to us with the book and the random sheets of paper in hand.

"Yeah, your magic, from your Book of Shadows - so reliable." Sam sassed.

"That wasn't my spell! I don't know where he got it. It doesn't look like one of these either." Felix said rummaging through the papers and coming back to us causing me to stop pacing and join the circle.

"So where is he now?" I demanded.

"He could be anywhere or... Nowhere. I don't know." Felix admitted.

"Felix, you always know."

"There's always a plan."Jake and Sam told Felix seriously.

"Give me a second."

"No, we need to get Andy back before anyone realises he's gone. His parents, the reporters." Jake listed.

"will freak if he's missing again. I know." Felix snapped.

"OK. What about an unmaking spell?"

"Unmaking spells are too hard to control, but maybe something like it. Maybe a reversal spell. We'll need something to sacrifice." Felix read off his book.

"Like... a human sacrifice?Dude!" Sam cried out worriedly.

"No, like something Andy really cares about right?" I correct earning a nod from Felix.

"Chicken feet! What? They don't taste as bad as you think." Sam said defensively when we all have him a weird look.

"Like we did with the spell that cured our mums."

"Exactly. OK. You guys find something Andy would never give up. Max and I can try and figure out what his spell was." Felix told Sam and Jake who then proceeded to run off.


"Come on. Andy, where are you?" Muttered as he walked around the pond area swinging the talisman. "Come back, come back, come back. Come on, Andy. What have you done?" He asked rhetorically as he crouched down next to me by the pond. I had my burgundy sketchbook on my lap and my coloured pencils in the open pocket of my bag next to me and I was sitting on an uncomfortable rock. I was drawing the pond in front of me with the water twisting up into a tornado engulfing Andy. On the edge of my paper what I remembered from Andy's spell was written down.

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