Start from the beginning

Harley Quinn walked through the middle of the fire. Waller watched her, screaming for her death slamming her hand on the nanite that had been disarmed by the Joker. She jumped off the roof, everyone thought she would fall, and hung onto a rope waiting for her. With her aboard, the helicopter left with no more fatalities.

Waller stood immediately, storming up to Deadshot with a mission in her glare. "Shoot that woman right now!" she demanded.

"She ain't do shit to me," he replied casually, and though everyone seemed to disagree with his reasoning, Chandler agreed with him. She never believed to shoot an ally because that's just one more enemy gunning for you.

"You're a hitman, right?" she asked, stepping closer, her voice steadied. "I got a contract. Kill Harley Quinn. Do it for your freedom, and your kid."

"Now she dead," Deadshot agreed, walking to the edge of the roof with his gun readied. Chandler, still working off adrenaline watched with wide, wandering eyes. He shot the trapezing woman, dropping like a sack down to the end of the rope. Then she laid in mid-air for a moment before she perked up with a laugh.

Deadshot pulled away from the ledge and turned to Waller who watched on with dissatisfaction. "I missed," he shrugged.

"Good one, mate," Boomerang whispered to Deadshot as he passed.

"It's Waller," the woman spoke in a walkie. "Savior One- Zero has been hijacked. Shoot it down."

The slightly smiling band of villains broke, and they turned grim. The respondents turned in hot, and the sound of the helicopter exploding into bits and pieces sounded from the distance.

"The Joker and Harley Quinn are no more," Waller stated.

"You couldn't save her," Boomerang whispered to Deadshot, trying his best to comfort the man. He only nodded, staring at the decaying city.

A helicopter made its way to the roof, a man escorting Waller inside with room for one.

"Stand by, I'll call for another helo," she shouted over to the group, the soldier closing the door before they took off.

"The ops just confirmed. She's down, 1k west," a man stated to Flag who sighed.

"Let's go get her," he muttered, holding up his gun and approaching the rattled team. "The missions not over."

Deadshot shook his head, finished with the mind games. "Nah, it is for me. We had a deal."

Flag leaned in, a scowl on his face at the coward who stood before him."Without Waller, you got nothin'," he hissed before stepping away.

They left the building as it started to pour, walking the destructed streets until they found Harley Quinn, sitting on top of a beat-up car. Her eyes were red and the makeup on her face was streaked with tears.

"Hey, guys! I'm back!" she cheered, trying to avoid her depression. She laid herself out on the roof of the car as they neared. "I missed you all so much. Even you Angel," she chuckled, winking Chandler's way.

"We're glad you could make it," Deadshot agreed, holding a hand out for her to step off the car.

They stood in the silence, the group standing in a circle, Boomerang cutting the silence. "Hey craziness," he called, tossing her bat back to her.

Killer Croc and Diablo only gave her looks before she stood to walk with Chandler.

"None of these boys will say anything but, you'll be alright. The heartbreak is here and settled. Just... never forget him. Never ever forget and maybe one day, you'll move on from the feeling. Or you'll settle with what you have. Or even, maybe, you'll be given the chance to see him again."

Harley Quinn smiled, the words Chandler gave her were so poetic. Like she had concentrated a lot of thought into what she meant. Harley appreciated it, the kindness and gentleness made her heart swell and she kissed her cheek sweetly. A big, red mark left stained on Chandler's bright red cheekbone.

"Something similar happened to you?" Harley asked, an arm left around Chandler's shoulders.

"Yeah, a long time ago, but there's no need to dwell on it. I've been able to move on and see him again," she grinned.

Harley Quinn gasped like a child but wasn't able to ask any more questions. Chandler had already escaped her grasp and moved to stand next to Flag. She was going to say something to him, tapping his shoulder but quickly moved her hand away, rethinking her thoughts.

They made it to Waller's helicopter and at the sight of it, Chandler took a step back. The thing was crumpled and crushed and no sign of the woman inside was met. Then, a light similar to lightning rose into the sky a ring of debris the following suit.

"Let me guess. We're going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky. You know, 'cause why wouldn't we?" he asked Flag. Flag looked at Deadshot, a deadly gaze in his eye. "When does this end, Flag?" Deadshot demanded.

"Load up," he dismissed. "We're in for a fight."

He walked off, but Chandler held him back.


"What is it?" he hissed, yet she didn't flinch at his tone for once.

"Listen, I've been thinking. I don't need to be around this anymore. I may be a soldier but I can't fight this. I don't know how to fight with any of them or even you, and I have nothing to fight for. My life is worthless to me, and ... I can't watch when something... som-something," she tried to finish but she couldn't. Her strength started to chip away again.

"Waller is in there. We need to help her," Flag stated, pointing towards the building.

"No! I don't, and neither do you. She would have killed me if she wasn't so high up on her word and if she can't respect me or you or any of these people she recruited, then I don't need to respect her or her life."

"You talk as if she's the enemy here."

Chandler leaned in, a fire in her eye Flag had only seen in the most frightening men in the heat of battle.

"She is," she hissed, staring harshly at him before leaving him and the others in the rain.

"Where are you gonna go?" he yelled at her back.

"Far away from this Hell!"

Flag turned around, tenser than before and continued walking with his gun gripped between his fingers tightly. He stared straight and was ready when Deadshot threw a binder next to his head. Flag whipped around his steely gaze on him now.

"Tell everybody, everything," he demanded.

Flag took a moment, pursed his lips and decided that the situation could only turn worse. So, he took Deadshot's words and ran with them.

"Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station. So, Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea, and that's how she escaped from Waller. So, now you know."

Deadshot took a moment, turning back to him and stated, "You can just kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink."

Flag turned desperate. "Hey, Deadshot, I need your help."

"No, sir. You need a miracle."

Harley Quinn followed behind, bowing to the group before following after.

"Oh wait, Deadshot. I'm going to get my new friend. I saw her leave earlier and with those bubble things, she's going to need all the help she can get," she stated, running down the street to find Chandler.

The rest of the villains followed, Flag's troops departed as well as Katana, following the villains. Flag picked up the papers while Chandler and Harley Quinn ran by, the latter dragging the former against her will into the bar. She set her on a stool before hopping the counter to tend. 

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