Chapter 2 - Part 2: "I Don't Want To Talk About It"

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"Yeah, what?" Taylor asked, feeling self-conscious.

"Nothing," Michelle giggled, "it's just that it still sounds funny. I have a "web page", you know?"

"I know. It makes things official, huh? We have a web page too, you know."

"I know, Hansonline. I have an account on it. It's really cool. I love the new icons and the background."

"You do?" Taylor asked, making a mental note to check out her profile.

"Oh yeah! Don't you forget that I am a fan! Even before I met you."

Taylor was flattered. "Also, the cool thing is, the Internet provider we used is owned by David Bowie."

"Way cool!" Michelle squealed, sharing in Taylor's delight at their small connection to the famous rock star.

Taylor cleared his throat and continued. "Well, the reason I called was to ask you if you...would like to attend my family's BBQ next month? I noticed you're going to be in Tulsa for a day for a family does it all up for our Fall BBQ, like twelve kinds of meat...and uh, tons of different types of condiments..."

Taylor groaned to himself. He was rambling, he knew it, but he sometimes felt nervous talking to Michelle, because he liked her so much. It also occurred to him that inviting her to a BBQ of all things was kind of lame. Taylor knew Michelle liked him, but it had been a year and maybe she had met someone else. He suddenly felt insecure and dumb for asking her to come.

"I would love to, Tay!" she said excitedly. He breathed a sigh of relief at her reply.

She continued, "We're arriving in the morning, so I'll have the whole day to hang out before I have to be at the venue."

"Great!" Taylor said, regaining his confidence. He heard Ike calling for him. "You can catch me up on everything when I see you." he said hurriedly not wanting his brothers to hear his conversation.

"Sounds good, Tay! I can't wait to see you and Zac and Ike! I'll call you when we get into town, okay?"

"Sounds great, I can pick you up. I have a car now."

"Really? That is so cool. Bye Tay! Can't wait to see you next month!"

"Yeah, have a great time on tour!"

Taylor hung up the phone feeling like he was walking on air. He was beyond excited to see Michelle. Even though he hadn't seen her in a year, he knew when they saw each other again, it would feel like no time had passed.

As he walked out of the office and back into the studio, he started humming the melody of a new song he'd been working on. He had written down some lyrics and was excited to show what he had done to his brothers. The song was about Michelle, and she was definitely the inspiration behind it.

He walked back into the studio to see Zac behind the drumset, fiddling with his pedal, and Ike tuning his guitar. Isaac saw Taylor and looked up.

"Did you call Michelle? How did it go?" he asked.

"Great! She's coming to the BBQ!" Taylor said, sitting down behind the keyboard and stretching his fingers in preparation to play.

"Killer!" Isaac said. "It'll be great to see her."

Zac poked his head out from behind his drum kit and gave Taylor a look.

"What do you think Natalie will think of that?"

Taylor didn't answer.


September 2001

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