“Oh, Sky,” Alice affectionately hugged her childhood friend. Would I ever get used to this boy’s ramblings the way she has?

“You mighty spider slayer!” She giggled and with a “see you later, guys,” walked out of our apartment.

“Well?” My roommate turned to me.

“Well what?”

“I did the laundry and killed a spider,” he said it as if it was a big deal. “You treated me like an idiot before but I think I proved that there’s more to me than just unbelievably good looks.”

I sighed.

“You actually want me to congratulate you on doing chores?”

“And the killing; don’t forget the killing.”

“Skyler,” I started, taking a step towards him. “Only girls are afraid of spiders. Little, five years old girls with pink frilly dresses and pigtails.”

 “Whatever!” He glared at me and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“What happened to your elbow?” I asked, seeing some blood on his skin. He muttered a “what are you talking about” and gazed at his arm.

“Oh, my God; I’m bleeding!” He screamed.

“Enough with the dramatics already!” I ordered, grasping the boy by the arm and leading him to the sink. “Now wash the blood from your elbow,” I turned the water on for him and placed his arm underneath, “while I go get you an icepack to put on the bruise. How did you get injured anyway?”

“Oh, it probably happened while I was running… hitting… while I was hitting the spider.”



Alice’s POV

“You should’ve seen your brother, Beth; he was so proud of himself.”

My friend laughed, putting the last of her laundry in one of the washing machines in the basement.

“Remember that one night as children when you and I woke up from his screams and when we asked him what happened, he said that he’d woken up and a gigantic spider was crawling on his arm?”

“Oh, yeah!” I laughed as well. “It was one of those times that the three of us slept in the same bad and the “gigantic spider” was actually a few strands of my hair that Sky mistook for a spider because of the dark.”

“What is this I’m hearing about gigantic spiders,” a deep voice with a cheerful inflection inquired.

“Hi, Mr. Andrews,” Beth and I chorused.

“Girls, I told you that you can call me Cal,” he replied, opening one of the washing machines and taking out what I assumed was his laundry. “And I hope you two aren’t going to scream if you see one such creature here like that boy did. He’s your brother, right?” The last sentence was aimed at Beth who nodded in an affirmative response.

“Don’t worry, Cal; my twin is the more melodramatic in our family.”

“I’d say he is,” the man went on. “What king of a boy runs at the sight of one tiny spider?”

“He ran?” I repeated in confusion. “He told me he smacked it with a broom.”

“Did he now?” Mr. Andrews laughed. “This is what happened: I walked in here while he was watching the clothes go round in the laundry machine. At first I thought he might be high or something. Who just stands in front of a laundry machine and looks at it as if it’s the most fascinating thing in the world?”

“Skyler doesn’t take drugs; it’s just that this is the first time he does laundry,” I explained.

“So he informed me. We started a conversation and everything was going fine until I mentioned that there was a spider next to his foot. He shrieked, started to run around, tripped on that broom over there and hit his elbow on one of the washing machines. He then glared at the broom, murmured “stupid thing,” took it in his hands and smashed it on the wall where coincidentally the spider had climbed after your brother’s screams startled it.”

“So that’s what really happened,” I muttered.

“Well, that is my brother for you,” Beth stated half-amused, half-embarrassed. “A drama queen and a spider slayer.”



A/N: I will try to have no more than two different POVs in each chapter so that it will be easier for you to keep track on who’s talking.

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