Today's The Day

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"Look at him," Biggie whispered as he and the other guys watched Branch sleep. "He looks so peaceful."
"Yeah..." Cooper sighed. "BRANCH, WAKE UP! IT'S YOUR WEDDING DAY!"
Branch screamed in terror and fell out of bed. And when he sat up, he had trouble breathing.
"You... you almost gave me a heart attack..." he panted.
"We don't want that, now do we?" Cooper said. "Do we?"
"Why did I make you my best man?" Branch muttered.

"Looking sharp, bud!" Guy Diamond said. Branch was dressed in his best and ready for what may be the best day of his life.
"Thanks, you look..." Branch wasn't sure what to say to the glitter Troll. The only clothing he was wearing was a simple bowtie. "... what can I say?"
"Thank yooouuuuu!" he replied.
Suddenly, Fuzzbert rushed in and started mumbling.
"What is it, buddy?" Cooper asked.
Fuzzbert muttered and everyone listened.
"He's saying King Peppy wants to see Branch," Biggie translated.
"What? Why?" Branch asked. Fuzzbert just whipped his hair as if saying "no."

As Branch entered the former king's pod home, he saw him standing in the middle of home.
"Um, sir? You wanted to tell me something?"
King Peppy turned around and smiled at Branch.
"You don't need to be formal with me," he assured his future son-in-law. "Just call me dad. And yes, I have something to say. This house means a lot to me. When I married Poppy's mother, she knew this was the perfect home for us. Poppy was born here, and we hoped she wouldn't suffer the same fate your father and grandmother did. But Joyce loved this house, and... I want you and Poppy to have it."
"Thank you," Branch said. "And I promise I'll take care of your daughter."


"Poppy, you look gorgeous!" the twins squealed with joy. As residential fashion Trolls, they designed a beautiful wedding gown for her.
"It's beautiful," Poppy gasped. "Thanks Satin, thanks Chenille."
"So, you ready to walk down the aisle?" DJ asked, brushing her hair.
Poppy sighed. "You better believe it."

First to go down were Smidge and Fuzzbert, then Guy Diamond and DJ Suki, Satin and Cooper, Chenille and Biggie (and Mr. Dinkles), and finally, Poppy was walked down the aisle by her father.
As he watched her walk down the aisle, Branch couldn't help but stare in awe. He was finally marrying the girl he would never stop thinking of. He loved Poppy, and Poppy loved Branch. And that would never change.
King Peppy held back tears as he gave his daughter away. But she was happy, and that made him happy.
"Dearly beloved," the priest began, "we are gathered here today to join these two hearts in the bonds of love. Instead of saying the traditional vows, the bride and groom have decided to say their own words."
Branch went first. "Poppy, all these years I have known you, all I could think about was you. There have been countless times you have driven me crazy with your singing and dancing and glitter in my face, but you were the one thing that could make me happy. You showed me what it's like to be happy, and I don't think I'd be who I am today if I hadn't known you. So, thank you."
Poppy smiled. "Branch. Most of my life, I could never understand you. I always thought you hated me. But when we were on that journey to save everyone, I saw you in a different light. And when I was lost... you helped me find myself. I realized how much I loved you, and how much you loved me. And that's all I want from you. For you to love me as much as you used to hate singing."
Branch held back a laugh. As he and Poppy put the rings on their fingers, the priest spoke up again.
"By the power vested in me, by the former King Peppy, I now pronounce you husband and wife, king and queen. You may kiss."
Poppy did not hesitate to slam her lips against Branch's. And every single Troll in Bergen Town cheered for joy.

Poppy and Branch couldn't be happier, and their new life together had begun.

C'est l'amour. 💜💜💜

I might write something for Valentine's Day. But if you're thinking what I think you're thinking... You're thinking wrong.

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