How We Came To Be

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Poppy was taking care of her rosebush when she heard someone knocking at the door. She opened it and saw Satin and Chenille standing out there.
"Oh, hi Satin, Chenille," she greeted. "What's happening?"
"We're throwing you a bridal shower and you need to wear this blindfold while we go there," Satin replied.
"The guys are already taking Branch to his bachelor party," Chenille added.
What they didn't mention was that they kidnapped him and he was freaking out!

"Can I take it off now?" Poppy asked.
"Not yet!" Satin replied in a sweet tone.
Chenille added, "Just over this bluff, and..."
"Ta-da!" they both said, removing the headband.
Poppy couldn't believe what she saw. It was her old home in Troll Village! It was nearly destroyed by Chef over a year ago, but now it was decorated with flowers and glitter! DJ Suki and Smidge were there, too!
"Surprise!" everyone shouted.
"Guys, I love it!" Poppy squealed with delight.
"We told you your bridal shower was going to be special," Satin said.
"So what could be more special than throwing it here?" Chenille suggested.
"Thanks, guys!" Poppy replied.

First, the girls decided to play a little game of Truth or Dare. Smidge was dared to hold up a log for five minutes.
"...three, two, one!" Poppy shouted. Smidge used her hair to throw the log, only for it to crash into someone's old home.
"Oops," she muttered.
"Don't worry about it," Poppy assured her. "No one's living in it anyway."
Except a family of squirrels.
"Okay then," Poppy muttered, then changed the subject. "Chenille, truth or dare?"
"When did you first fall in love with DJ?"
Chenille's eyes widened. "What are you talking about?!"
"You know what she's talking about," Satin whispered.
Chenille blushed as Poppy and Smidge stared at her, wide eyed.
"It's okay," Suki whispered, taking her hand.
Chenille sighed. "Okay. I love her... But I don't want to talk about this."
She wanted to leave, but Satin held her back with their conjoined hair.
"I think it's time you told them," her sister said. Chenille returned to her seat and began to tell them...


Three years ago...

It was a cold winter's night, and Satin and Chenille had just went home after they were set up on a blind date with two guys.
"You were pretty lucky, Chenille," Satin began. "My date smelled like sweat, but yours... He was perfect!"
"Yeah, he was nice..." Chenille mumbled.
Satin suddenly noticed that her sister wasn't paying any attention to her. She was looking outside at another Troll's house. Correction: who was inside the house.
A smile spread across Chenille's face as she watched DJ Suki dancing by herself in her home.
"Now I see what's going on," Satin said, breaking the silence.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Chenille claimed.
Satin smiled. "It's okay. There's nothing wrong with it."
Chenille sighed. "I know, but what does it matter? She won't feel the same way."
"Don't say that," Satin said. "The only way to find out is to tell her how you feel."
"But how do I do that?"
Satin thought about it for a minute and got an idea.

The following morning, DJ Suki was taking a stroll in the forest and noticed a heart shaped piece of paper in the snow with her name on it. She picked it up and it said on the back, "Follow the string."
Suki noticed a long piece of string that led to a deeper part of the woods. She followed it and it led her to a frozen pond.
Suddenly, she heard two familiar voices singing. DJ Suki turned her head and saw Satin and Chenille. They sang together and Chenille stepped forward. Suki approached her and smiled. They took each other's hands and danced together. Satin danced too, but kept her distance.
When they were finished, Chenille and Suki hugged and rubbed noses.
"That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me," DJ said. "Thank you."
Chenille smiled at her, then at Satin. Satin winked.


"... We began a secret relationship, and Satin was the only one who knew," Chenille concluded. "And... That's how we came to be."
"So, you were afraid of what we'd think?" Poppy asked. Chenille nodded. "We're your friends, Chenille. We love you, and nothing can change that."
Chenille smiled. "Thanks, guys. Now Poppy, you have presents to open!"

Again, I'm sorry. But don't leave any mean comments.

The main reason I wrote this (and all in one day, too! Wow.) was for people who are going through the same thing to understand that there's nothing wrong with who you are. If you're gay, lesbian, or bi, there's nothing wrong with that. It's who you are. Don't be afraid.

I thought it'd be fitting if I used a song by Icona Pop. Although, I think this song fits Poppy and Branch more. Oh well.

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