The Announcement

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Branch was the first to wake up that morning. He saw Poppy's beautiful face and stroked her cheek gently.
"Your face is more dazzling than any night shy," he whispered. "And I could never stop gazing at it."
Poppy's eyelids fluttered open, revealing two shimmering pink orbs. She blushed at his words.
"You always know what to say," she giggled.
"Thank you... for last night," Branch said. "I should've talked to you sooner."
"You don't need to thank me," she assured him, and began kissing his neck. "I'm your girl... fiancee. If you ever... need anything, come straight to me. And if I'm not there... talk to my dad."
"Okay, okay, I get it," he chuckled, gently pushing her away. "Speaking of your dad, I asked for his blessing, and he said yes. Why?"
"'Why?' That's easy!" Poppy replied. "Because he knows how good a person you really are. That, and he really wants to have grandkids."
Branch laughed. "Okay, that makes sense. We should probably go tell the others."
Poppy pulled Branch out of bed and tried to get him to the door.
"Poppy, wait, I'm not dressed!"

Later that morning, Poppy and Branch got up on the stage to announce their engagement. Poppy pulled her cowbell out of her hair and was about to play it until Branch decided to say something first.
"Poppy?" he began. "Before you say anything, I want to make this official."
Branch pulled a ring out of his hair, took Poppy's hand, and slid the ring onto her finger.
"Branch, it's beautiful," Poppy gasped. "Thank you."
"No, thank you," Branch replied.
Then, Poppy played her cowbell loud enough for the rest of the Trolls to hear. They climbed out of their pods, down the tree, and onto the ground.
"Hey everyone!" Poppy greeted. "I just have some big news that I would like to share with all of you."
"Poppy!" Biggie cried. "She's my friend! I know her!"
"Well, you all remember Branch, right?" Poppy asked. "What am I saying? Of course you do. Well, last night, he proposed to me, and I accepted. I don't know when we're going to get married, but when we do, you are all invited to the wedding and reception. Thank you."
The crowd was silent for three seconds, then everyone cheered with delight.
"You don't mind if everyone comes, do you?" Poppy asked Branch.
"No, it's okay," Branch replied. "They deserve to see their queen get married."
Suddenly, the Snack Pack ran up to them and started talking all at once.
"Congrats, Poppy!" Biggie cried with joy.
"You too, Branch!" Cooper added, giving him a nudge.
"We're so happy for you!" the twins cheered.
"Yeah!" Smidge said with her gruff voice.
Then, their bracelets lit up.
"Hug Time!" Poppy shouted, and everyone joined in for a group hug. Branch still wasn't used to group hugs, but he wasn't planning to avoid them.
"Okay, now show us the ring," DJ Suki said as they separated.
Poppy held out her hand for everyone to see. The ring was cut into the shape of a butterfly. It was small, but beautiful.
"Poppy, it's gorgeou-u-u-us!" Guy Diamond vocalized.
"Thanks!" she said.
"Do you need help planning the wedding?" Satin asked.
Chenille gasped. "We could help!"
"Thanks, guys," Branch replied. "But we don't even have a date."
"We'll get married in autumn," Poppy decided.
"Poppy, it's already August!" Branch argued.
"Then I guess we better hurry!" Poppy replied, smirking.
"They're not even married yet," Cooper whispered to Biggie, "and already, they're bickering like an old married couple!"

Next time, I'll either just skip to the wedding, or I'll write about the bachelorette party first.

Until next time. 😉

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