Star Wars: The Whiskers Within, Part III ★ Dan & Phil

Start from the beginning

Vader takes some breaths before addressing you. "I understand you have the Rebel attack plans."

You say nothing.

"Where are they?" Vader's deep, distorted voice continues.

You keep your mouth shut and your eyes trained on Vader.

Darth Vader simply turns around and looks out the window. A group of TIE fighters zooms past. Tiny stars sparkle in the distance. The only sound in the large, empty room is Darth Vader's heavy breathing.

And then he holds up his hand. It's shaped like a claw, with his four fingers tightly together and his thumb sticking out.

You stare at him in confusion for a split second before excruciating pain courses through your body. You can feel your throat tightening with every pacing moment. You start choking, and your hand goes up to wrap around your neck. Black spots begin to cover your vision. The rooms spins. You desperately gasp for oxygen, but it's no use. Your lungs start to ache. You can't breathe.

Finally, the choking feeling dissipates, and you drop to your knees in pain. You put one hand on the cool, metal floor to steady yourself as you cough and sputter for air.

"Never forget that I have ways of getting what I want," Vader's deep voice says.

You tilt your head up and see a pair a shiny black boots. Darth Vader hovers over you, his black helmet glaring down at you menacingly.

"Where are they?" He repeats, more forcefully this time.

You swallow painfully before weakly pushing yourself up to a standing position.

"I-I..." You struggle to speak as your throat is hurting so badly, but you continue nonetheless. "I w-will..never...t-tell you wh-wh-where the...plans a-re—"

Your throat suddenly tightens again. You cry out in pain before falling on the ground, clutching helplessly at your neck.

"Be careful not to choke on your aspirations," Darth Vader snaps. He straightens and walks away from you, armored boots clanking on the metal floor. "But do not worry, Rebel scum."

The force choke finally ends, and you take a large gasp for air. Your lungs still burn, but your vision is clearing. You can see a blurry Darth Vader with his back toward you, looking casually at the TIE fighters flying past the window.

"There are other ways we can use you yet..."

You feel your throat tighten once again. You hear footsteps, distant and faint, clanking against metal. Your vision goes completely dark, and collapse onto the floor.

You open your eyes again.

Countless times, really.

You feel something flowing around you.

Something bad.

Something dark.

A...A force.

Everything is hazy. You feel as though you're only half alive, fighting just to stay conscious. The only thing you feel, the only thing you know, is pain.

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