After watching Kadan leave the store with Alana I got in my car. Turning on the Lamborghini I pushed it into drive before going back to my house wanting dinner.
"Hey Mom." I said coming into the kitchen where my Mom sat at the table with a romance novel in her hand. "Hi sweetie. Dinner is in the oven we are having shepherds potpie." My Mom said as she glanced at Isaac who had a mess on his high chair. Food was splattered across it and Isaac kept on smearing it more. 'I hope him and his wolf won't be like that when he's older.' I hoped so too.

"There was some rogue activity in the forest but it dispersed. But if you want to bring a warrior and scout to check it out feel free to." My Mom said placing down the book and picking Isaac. "I'm gonna clean this slob." My Mom said shaking her at Isaac as the two went to the bathroom. 'We should go investigate.' Writing a note to Mom I headed out to go get myself a warrior.

After about ten minutes I arrived at the training grounds where there were werewolves training. Our pack wasn't huge but it was nicely sized and we were perfectly capable of defending ourselves. Not to mention Greenburg is a very supernatural town, with a small group of faeries, the Big Cat coven and a vampire coven.

A few people did a small little bow to me since I was both the Alpha's son and the future Alpha. I walked through looking for a specific warrior. I found him punching a bag that his mate was holding. Jason was punching the bag rapidly some sweat dripping down his forehead. I cleared my throat to get their attention. Jason stopped punching the bag and turned towards me and did a little bow. 'Bows are sometimes overrated but not with him.'

"Dalton. How may I help you?" Jason asked as his mate Blu put away the bag before resuming next to his side. "My Mother alerted of some rogue activity that dispersed but I'd like to check it out. Would you two mind attending with me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Of course not. Just let us shift and we will be right there." Jason said. With that he grabbed Blu's hand and walked away to shift with her.

Jason was a wolf that has been in this pack since my Mother first came here, an old friends son of hers. Jason had Whitewolf in him but his fur was a sandy color sorta like Angel's but more deep. Blu was a more new wolf, like me she was a Blackwolf but not as strong or dark. Blu had a very keen sense of smell and earned her way into some of the best trackers. 'I complement her keen scent of smell.' Blu helped track down rogues with the warriors and lucky for her, her mate was a warrior.

I followed Blu and Jason's advice and I shifted myself. My bones shifted and cracked rearranging themselves as fur grew through my pores. Soon I stood there in wolf form my fur a little on end so I shook it. My fur being on end after shifting was normal for me. After I had shifted Jason and Blu came out in wolf form just like me.

Jason and Blu were about the same height. Jason on the other hand was more muscle than Blu was to both outrun the rogues and attack the rogues. 'Jason has always been an interesting wolf.' Jason had Whitewolf blood in him but fought very good and was graceful when fighting. 'Can you find the scent of rogues?' I mind-linked the two. Blu brought her head up and sniffed the air and her ears perked up before she ran off.

'I guess we follow her.' Jason and I took off after Blu who was probably tracking the scent of rogues. Being in our wolf form had lots of advantage. We could smell better and run faster for this then if we were in our human form. We ran through the forest that was around the training area. Blu sniffed the air as we ran tracking the scent.

In about fifteen minutes Blu came to a stop in an opening. A large concrete building stood outside with three dead bodies. A few rogues were around them suppressing their scent or trying too. 'You smell that right?' 'Yeah.' Gunpowder.

"Who the hell could of killed them Frank? There were three of them and they were taken down with some arrows and a bullet!" One of the rogues exclaimed. "I don't know I can't smell anything around. It's not that wolf pack though they wouldn't use guns." The person who I assumed was Frank said. "They took Gerald. Gerald has been helping us with the breeding that the man assigned us. If he finds out Gerald got taken he will find other people." The other rogue exclaimed.

"There is one of him and a bunch of us. I'm not scared. We'll find Gerald and get him back." Frank said. The rogue sighed before grabbing the body. The two began dragging the bodies inside. 'Oh shit.' Blu and Jason turned towards me looking for an order.

'Lets get out of here. We aren't enough to fight them with our luck they'll be a bunch more.' I mind-linked them both. 'Agreed.' Jason mind-linked back. With that we slowly backed away before taking off towards the training ground. Jason and Blu were gonna resume training outside the pack house and I was gonna head back to my house and tell my Mother everything that happened there.

1700. So a longer chapter than usual for chapter 2! Ah Dalton went to where Isabella was and some action is already happening. But don't worry it won't just be action, they got a dance coming up and everything else. The Ashford's still don't know that little baby Isaac is the vessel of Death. Oh the drama happening! I am having so much fun writing this now. Until next time fun marshmallows.

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