{3}Valiant{Preparation For What's To Come}

Start from the beginning

"If only it were goodbye! Turns out we're stuck with her!" Rae burst out in agony.  

Valèrie pulled a face, a pained grimace.  

"So then, don't you fancy going out with a bang?" she asked? 

Sunshine shrugged, "We have dug the hole."  

"And it would be a shame not to use it," Rae finished cheekily.  

Valèrie giggled, "Come on!" she said, voice filled with glee, as she hoisted both Rae and Sunshine up off the ground. 

They ran forward giggling, making their way towards the crowd around the hall.  

"Hey Heather," Valèrie called.  

They ran forward as Heather turned. They enjoyed the look of surprise on her face as they lifted her up, by her legs.  

"Put me down! This instance!" she screeched,  

The girls just laughed as they carried her across to where they had dug the hole. She struggled to try to escape but their grip was too solid.  

She let out a piercing screech as they dumped her head first into the hole.  

"I'm going to kill you," she screamed, trying to get herself up right.  

"See you soon, if I'm unlucky." Valèrie called back as she turned. 

But as she turned she hit into something hard. She looked up to see the creepy hot guy.  

"My name's Luke," he said smirking as though he had read her thoughts.  

"Luke Zander, I'm now your boss." He said, smiling in all his blonde haired, blue-eyed glory.  

Valèrie stared blankly, before moving around him, muttering, "Excuse me," 

She started towards her parents but felt a hand grip her wrist, she turned, shocked to meet those turquoise blue eyes.  

"Sorry, but I was told to inform you, by the Commander, that he wants to meet you. He has an important message for you." 

She nodded, before looking down at his hand still gripping her arm. 

"If you don't mind, would you please let go," she said. 

He smiled, "Sure," he said, "See you later." 

And with that he released her and headed towards the crowd of people. 

She followed, making her way towards her parents.  

"Valèrie," her mother called her face lighting up at the sight of their daughter. 

"Val, we're so proud of you! You've now got a real shot to use your talent," he dad commented hopefully.  

Valèrie's eyes flashed with hurt, how could he think that? She thought to herself. 

"How can you still think that war is something to be proud of?" she whispered, not meeting the look of anger she knew would be in her father's eyes. 

"Do not talk to me like that, Valèrie!" he yelled. 

"Yes, father." She muttered.  

"Oh, dear, please don't fight. We should be celebrating, our baby's growing up!" 

"So when do you have to leave?" her father asked,  

"I don't know. I have to talk to the Commander first." 

"Well then, go. Then, once you've talked with the Commander, we'll go out for dinner to celebrate." 

"Yes, father," Valèrie answered, obediently.  

Walking from her parents, she made her way towards the direction that Luke had gone. She found him easily. Tall, golden, nicely coloured skin, and those eyes.  

Seeing her, he turned, smiling. 

"Will you take me to the Commander?" she asked politely, not looking at him but a little to the side of him.  

Look at me. The voice-his voice commanded. 

She complied, "Stop it," she whispered softly, somehow knowing he would hear her.  

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said with a cheeky grin. 

"Come on," he said, leading Valèrie in the opposite direction of everyone else. 

"Excuse me," she called, "But are we not going the wrong way?"  

"No, the Commander isn't really a people person so he's in hiding." 

"In hiding?" she whispered, confused. Wondering why she was even bothering. If the Commander wanted to see her, he should at least be around.  

"Hurry up," he called, quite a good way ahead now.  

Valèrie jogged to try to catch up, before slowing to a walk when she was side by side with Luke.  

Once they had reached the faculty's break room, Luke stopped. Knocking on the door three times, before entering, calling out, "Commander, I've brought you a visitor,"  

He shut the door gently behind Valèrie, before leading her by the shoulders to a couch, where he plonked her down beside him.  

A deep voice came from the small kitchen, "Is that so? Now tell me Ms. Vera, fancy a drink?" 

"Uh, No thank you," she replied courteously. 

Just then, the Commander, a dark male in his late thirties, emerged from the kitchen, holding a cup of what looked like hot chocolate. 

"Well, Miss Vera, a pleasure to meet you. I want to commend you on your achievements and welcome you to my crew." 

"Thank you, Sir," she said, bowing her head slightly.  

The Commander grunted, "So as you would be well aware of, as the fleet on the front line, we would have to be back on duty as soon as possible, which is why we will be leaving tonight," he finished, taking a sip of hot chocolate. 

"Tonight?" she whispered, breath caught.  

"I'm afraid so, dear. So now is the time to say goodbye, pack your backs and you'll come with Luke and we'll be setting off around the early morning." 

"Oh," she whispered. So much had been dumped on her lately she should have realized something like this would happen.  

"Um, of course, I'll need to prepare myself, though." 

"Of course," he replied, "Luke will stay with you while you get ready, yes?" 

Valèrie nodded, standing up, "Yes, Commander," 

"Do you mind if I leave?" 

"No, not at all, In fact, I myself have to leave now," the Commander said; standing up as well. "I will be seeing you soon. Good day." 

"To you too," Valèrie answered, bowing her head slightly.  

And with that she left, with Luke trailing after. So now, she'd have to say goodbye. Goodbye to her friends, goodbye to her parents and goodbye to the life she'd never have...


SO there we are,  

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