Chapter One Hundred

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Liam's chewing his lip as he tries to decide how to break the news to Zayn that he's leaving for the first time since the twins were born on a business trip. "Okay, what is it?" Zayn asks, coming back to sit on the couch, Liam furrows his eyebrows because he doesn't remember his husband getting up when he looks Zayn has set Chloe down beside Zack on the other playmat, both babies happily reaching out at the toys scattered around them. "What is what?" Liam asks avoiding eye contact with Zayn, who snorts, "what is it that you don't want to tell me?" he asks. Liam sighs and looks up at Zayn to see he's raising an eyebrow at Liam expectantly, "alright fine. Niall called me while you two were outside" he mumbles. "Okay, and ...?" Zayn asks slowly "we have to go to Spain for five days for some business thing, and I'm sorry" Liam says quickly before biting his lip again. "Wait, you're going to Spain?" Zayn asks slowly and Liam bites harder on his lip and just nods his head slowly, Zayn frowns and Liam can't read the rest of the expression on his husband's face, "when do you leave?" Zayn mumbles. Liam winces slightly, "the flight's booked for Monday" Liam rushes out. Zayn's jaw drops but he doesn't say anything and Liam's worried, he's not sure what to expect. "Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" Zayn asks slowly and Liam nods, standing up, they strap the twins into their swings before leaving the room, just in case. "Baba, Daddy where going?" Bella calls out before they're out of the room, "we're just going to the kitchen you stay and watch Mickey Mouse, Boo" Zayn murmurs, "I'll bring you a snack" he adds which Bella nods quickly to, before Liam feels Zayn push him gently towards the other room.

Liam can't read the expression on Zayn's face when he turns to face him in the kitchen and that scares him, he's never not been able to read Zayn's face before. "You're leaving? In four days, you're leaving?" Zayn asks shaking his head and Liam just nods slowly, "you know if there was anything else I could do I would do it, but the babies are too young to fly still and it is only for five days, then I promise Zayn, I'll be home and I'll even take a week off and just be with you and all three of our babies" he insists. Zayn just nods "yeah I just wish I had more notice" he mumbles, Liam chuckles and reaches out pulling Zayn into his arms, "me too. Zee I just found out this morning, if I'd known sooner I would have told you sooner, I promise" he murmurs. Zayn just nods before pressing up to kiss Liam's jaw, which makes him shiver "okay?" Liam asks quietly and Zayn sighs "yeah, I get it Li, I just don't know what I'm going to do with three kids without your help" he mumbles. Liam chuckles at that, "you're so good with them, I'm sure it will be fine, if it were me on the other hand I think I'd be screwed" he murmurs. Zayn makes a face at that and Liam furrows his eyebrows at him "Liam, you're amazing with all three of them" Zayn starts gesturing to the other room where they can hear Bella singing along with Mickey Mouse, "if I wasn't here you'd do just fine" he murmurs, pulling on Liam's shirt to connect their lips in a kiss.

When they break apart both men are slightly breathless, before Zayn bites his lip and Liam groans slightly, "you get to tell Bella" Zayn hums and Liam fully groans now, because he doesn't want to. "But Zayyynn you're so much better at these things than I am" Liam whines but Zayn shakes his head, pulling out a bag of popcorn and setting it in the microwave, "but you're the one leaving" he counters once the popcorn is on. Liam just groans, "you suck" he mutters before stomping out of the room, he can hear Zayn laughing behind him but he doesn't care, he's going to act like a toddler because he can. Liam stomps into the living room and Bella looks up at him nothing but concern on her face, "Daddy, what happened?" she murmurs, climbing to her feet to move closer to where Liam flopped himself across the couch, "nothing happened Princess" he hums and Bella cocks her head at him, "then why grumpy Daddy?" she asks, reaching out to poke his face. Liam can't help the grin that breaks across his face when she does, "I'm just being grumpy. But I'm okay I promise" Liam grins. Bella doesn't look convinced but she doesn't ask him again just pushes herself under Liam's arm snuggling into him. And Liam can't help thinking how much he doesn't want to leave this, and he really doesn't want to ruin the moment by telling Bella that he's going to be leaving in a few days.

Zayn just arches an eyebrow at him when he comes back into the room carrying two bowls of popcorn, one obviously for Bella, the other for the two adults to share. "Liam, you need to tell her" Zayn sighs, sitting beside the pair, Liam pouts, "do I have to?" he whines. Zayn just chuckles, nodding his head, "she needs to hear this from you" he murmurs, before he gets up and leaves the room again. Bella watches him confused before she turns to face Liam again, a pout on her face, "where Baba go?" she mumbles. Liam chuckles "I think he went into the other room, because you and I need to talk" he says slowly. Bella pouts again "I in trouble Daddy?" she murmurs but Liam shakes his head "no of course not" he murmurs, shifting her around so he could look into her eyes when he tells her. "You know how Daddy and Uncle Niall have to go far away sometimes to do work?" Liam asks, Bella just nods slowly,"well, there's some work that I need to get done, so Uncle Niall and I are going away to Spain, for five days" he finishes. Bella pouts and Liam can see tears forming in her eyes, "Daddy, you leaving?" she whimpers. Liam hugs her tightly before nodding, "just for a few days, and then I'll be back and I'll leave all my other work and play with you, Zack and Chloe, okay?" Liam whispers. He feels Bella nod against his chest but she doesn't say anything for a moment before she sniffles and looks up at him with sad eyes, "when going?" she mumbles. Liam pouts "I leave on Monday so in four days" Liam explains, holding up four fingers to the girl. Bella doesn't say anything else after that she just hops off Liam's lap and runs out of the room, Liam hears her on the stairs and then her bedroom door shut, before he drops his head into his hands, looking at his feet, "well shit" he mutters to himself.

Zayn reappears then, but Liam doesn't look up at him, "she hates me" he mumbles towards the floor but Zayn obviously hears him as he feels a soothing hand rubbing up and down his back. "She doesn't hate you. Bella loves you and you know that. She's upset because she doesn't like when you go away, ever" Zayn hums. Liam looks up at his husband then, "you know I wouldn't be going if I didn't have to, right?" he asks and Zayn smiles lightly, "Li it's your company, you have to do these things, I get it. Bella will too. She just needs time to get used to the idea. She'll come around" he murmurs. Liam smiles and pulls Zayn into him, pressing their lips together "I love you" he mumbles against his husband's lips, "I love you" Zayn echos before they kiss again. Chloe lets out a loud shrieking cry that makes them pull apart, "I'll get her" Liam mumbles moving to pull his youngest into his arms, cuddling her close to him as he makes his way to the kitchen.

A/N: Hey guys! So I'm so sorry this took so long, but I was sick, then the USB I save everything to went bananas and it took me a while but I managed to recover everything I had written, and save it to a new one. Then it was Christmas and my daughter was off school for two weeks and I really just wanted to spend some time with her (which I hope you guys understand). 
But I should be updating more regularly for you guys now. 
Hope you enjoyed these pretty much just fluff chapters. Let me know what you think
and as always I love you guys 

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