"With all due respect, I have patients I need to tend to and like I said, I've already given a statement to the police. Mr. Murphy was stabbed in the heart and I repaired it, simple as that."

"Yes but he got stabbed because he attacked and tried to rape a woman."

"What does my surgery have to do with this?" I leaned forward on my elbows.

"We're just trying to get all the details Dr. Styles. Knowing the angle of the knife when Mr. Murphy was stabbed could give us a clue as to how he was stabbed. We need to be able to prove the woman stabbed him in an act of self defense."

"Please, one more time." The other one spoke in a kinder voice and he pressed a button on his recorder. "Then we'll get out of your hair.


My . buzzed at my hip and I rushed down the hall to Room 107. Mr. Butler was convulsing as the nurses tried to hold him down and give him medicine.

"He's seizing!" A nurse called.

"Push epi. Can we get a crash cart in here!?"

A nurse scrambled in with the crash cart and I picked up the paddles just as Mr. Buttler's body went limp and the heart monitor screeched.

"Charge to two hundred!"


The paddles buzzed and I placed them on the patients chest. The shock came through and his back arched off the bed.

A few seconds passed and the monitor stopped screeching. His heart rate slowly returned to normal and a universal sigh of relief passed around the crowded room.

"Good work everybody. Keep an eye on him for the next 48 hours and page me if anything changes."

With that I went back to my office to fill out some paper work. My mail had come in, but it was mostly bills.

I put them in my pile of 'do it later' stuff and opened the enveloped that was adressed to to me in ink. I recognized the familiar handwriting as my sister's.

She was coming out to London for the weekend. She said her boyfriend, Alex, was going to a job interview and then they were going to have dinner with me so I could meet him.

They had been dating for two years, but with my busy schedule I had never met him. Everyone knows a surgeon's schedule is highly unpredictable.

I wrote her back, saying how lovely that would be and I told her what was going on with me and I even added my situation with Louis.

I trusted my sister more than anyone. She always had good advice advice and never judged me, so I didn't feel nervous at all all as I folded the letter and put it into an envelope.

I put it in my bag, making a mental note to mail it on my way home. It was around eleven o'clock when someone Interupted me again, but this time it was Nurse Ella and she looked panicked.

I walked around my desk and she stepped back.

"Come on."

I was confused but I followed her short frame until I saw what all the fuss was about.

People lined the wall outside Louis' room, peeking in his windows. Inside his room were half a dozen or so interns.

I could barely see Louis with all the interns surrounding him, but I could hear screaming. I wasn't sure if it was the interns or Louis.

I shoved past everyone as my heart pounded painfully in my chest. I needed to to see that he was alright.

He whimpered when he saw me, weakly shoving an intern away.

I See You (Larry Stylinson) {Co-written with @uniquelyxlarry}Where stories live. Discover now