Chapter 8: Who Are They?

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A/N: YO! New chappie up!! Everyone say 'Yay'! YAY!!!


Chapter 8: Who Are They?

"Satsuki, what have you found out about Johoshi Academy?" Akashi asked the pink haired girl as everyone gathered around.

It's been two weeks since the run-in at the mall. Kise already told them about the modelling incident, having shocked them all.

They were having their usual practice in the gym. The Generation of Miracles' team consisted mostly of them, but had some of the former Seirin members on the benches as extra players. Riko was the coach, while Momoi was the manager.

Momoi was looking down, her clipboard in hand.

"What is it?" Kagami asked.

"This isn't good," she admitted.

"What do you mean?" Kise asked.

"This team... is gonna be tough to beat."


"Hah, Satsuki, don't joke with us," Aomine said. "This is Tetsuya we're talking about. I've never even heard of Johoshi having a basketball team until now."

"They've never entered a tournament in Japan before," Kagami said.

"Exactly. They've never entered a tournament in Japan," Momoi answered. "They've entered in multiple International competitions though. All in other countries, but never once in Japan."

"International?!" Hyuuga asked.

"Yes, and they've won quite a few, sometimes coming in second, but never below the Top 3," she said.

"Seriously? Tetsu's been that busy?" Aomine asked.

"Aomine, this is Kuroko we're talking about. It can't just be all him winning. His teammates are probably the ones behind all the wins. He is a player who depends on others," Midorima said.

"Stop underestimating him!" Riko yelled, whacking Midorima in the head. "Seriously, do you always have to say things like that?"

"Isn't that not how Midochin always act?" Murasakibara asked, eating a snack.

"And you! Stop eating already! We're still practicing here!" Riko yelled.

"But we're not playing now. So it's fine," he answered, taking another bite.

Riko sighed. "What am I going to do with all of you bakas?" she asked.

"Satsuki, please continue," Akashi said.

"Hai," she answered, looking down at her clipboard. "Anyway, his teammates are all cousins of Tets-kun, actually, except for a few who are childhood friends."

"Whoa seriously?" Aomine asked.

"Kuroko had cousins?!" Kagami yelled. Everyone stared at him in disbelief at that. "What? He never said anything about that to us."

"Of course he has cousins, you Bakagami. Why would you be so surprised by it?" Aomine sighed.

"I just thought that Kuroko was always a loner, even at home," Kagami said.

"Wow," they deadpanned. -_-

"Also, I found out that Tets-kun never really told us anything about his family. Apparently, his family is famous around the world. His mother is the director of the Johoshi Academy. His father is the CEO to a famous music records company. His aunts and uncles are also either big shots, or owner of famous companies," Momoi said.

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