Ch. 14: He lost his phone, I'm losing my mind

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I was waiting for about 10 minutes before Harry made his way over to me.

"Sorry that took so long, have you got my phone?" he asked.

I looked at him quizzingly, "No, why would I have your phone?"

"I was just wondering if I maybe gave it to you or something, I can't find it." He said, looking around the room.

"I'll help you look for it." I stated, walking over to the couch.

"Harry we need you in hair and makeup, show starts in about 15 minutes." This time a girl came over with the same microphone looking head gear on. Harry looked at me and bit the inside of his cheek, I could tell he was very hesitant.

"Go, I'll find it." I reassured him. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll find it, don't worry." He nodded and walked off with the girl to the hair and makeup section of the backstage setup. He looked fine, I didn't see why he needed hair and makeup done. Being a celebrity sounded annoying.

I texted Josh what I was doing and said I might be a few minutes late to my seat, so he wouldn't worry when the show started and I hadn't showed up yet.


I looked all around and in the couch that Harry was sitting on when I arrived but there was no phone. I decided to go try and look around his dressing room, maybe he left it in there...okay, maybe I was also a bit curious about what his dressing room was like.

I looked for a stage worker and noticed one also with a headset so I walked over to her.

"Hi, where's Harry's dressing room?" I always forget how crazy I look asking that question because I probably looked like an obsessed fan. The woman turned around and I immediately recognized her. Penelope. The same worker that thought I was crazy for asking about Harry last time. She looked at me and gave me a little smirk, unappreciatingly I just gave a tight smile.

"Right this way." She said and I followed. She led me to a hall that I also recognized because it was where Connor's dressing room was. Harry's room was the last door at the end of the hall on the right, and had lots of pictures and posters on it.

"This is his dressing room." She stated.

"Thanks." I said, casually waiting for her to walk away. I was a little confused on why she led me here and trusted me alone in his dressing room, where all of his stuff was. For all she knows I could be a total psycho.

Once she was out of sight I looked at the door more closely. There was a couple of concert tickets to his own band's show taped on, along with pictures of fans and pictures taken with fans. In the top left corner of the door there was a picture of the CD cover of the Smith's album that Harry saw at my house, and it was signed. I sighed and twisted the knob, not knowing what to expect.

It was a little different than anticipated. His room was picked up, mostly neat except for a couple of pairs of pants on the floor. There was a dresser against the left wall with a mirror attached, a long couch, and a chair in front of another door that I assumed was the bathroom. I walked in further to the dresser with a mirror on it and looked at my reflection. I looked tired, sad almost, and I realized I was wearing mostly black. No wonder Josh insisted on cutting my food at the restaurant we met at for lunch earlier, he must think I'm suicidal or something! I was just stressed about this whole Connor thing...he had texted me saying he hoped I could make it to the show earlier today.

Phone! I was supposed to be looking for Harry's phone, right. I moved a couple jars of gel and some hair brushes on the dresser but didn't see his phone. I turned to the long black leather couch against the far wall and decided to look there.

After an agonizing 10 minutes I still couldn't find it anywhere. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and dialed his number. Automatically I heard the ringing to my right. I kept my phone in hand and walked over to the door where the sound was coming from. Opening the door I could see it was a bathroom, and there lied Harry's phone, on the floor, face down.

I bent down the pick it up and hang up the call on my phone and I noticed all the notifications on his screen.

There was a few twitter notifications but most of them were missed texts and calls from someone with the name 'Hannah'. Just out of curiosity, of course...I slid the arrow to see if he had a pass code. Something told me in the back of my mind that I probably shouldn't be doing this but the screen immediately went to his text conversation to this Hannah person.

I immediately locked the screen and regretted opening it in the first place. If there's no notifications on the screen he'll notice that I opened his phone...shit. Just then another notification popped up from Instagram, and another from twitter and I quickly realized that he may not even notice, hopefully.

I put the phone in my jacket pocket and walked out of his dressing room, closing the door quietly.

I was walking back down the hall when I heard Mario Lopez opening the show, it had started. I started wondering...who's Hannah? And why did she call and text him so many times?

I just pushed it out of my mind and kept walking forward until I saw the 'Exit backstage' sign on the door where I arrived. What was I supposed to do with Harry's phone? Keep it for 2 hours?

Just as I was about to open the door to head out I saw Penelope walk by again.

"Hey Penelope, right?" I questioned, getting her attention.

"Yeah." She said, simply enough.

"Yeah, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She didn't look to sure but whatever.

"Why did you let me in there? I mean, I swear I'm not crazy or anything but why did you trust me in there alone?" I asked.

"I thought...well aren't you guys dating?" She looked at me, confused.

"No," I said, Hannah popped back into mind.

"Oh. Well...I thought you were, otherwise I wasn't supposed to...could you maybe not say-" she said nervously.

"You're fine, I won't say anything, I promise." I laughed.

She sighed and I waved, walking through the door. There was no way I could have prepared myself for what came next.

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