Ch. 5: People Can Surprise You

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I heard someone calling my name from down the hall but I didn't care, I had to get some air. I felt like I might break down crying again, I needed to find an exit, I couldn't let anyone see me like this.

"Annie!" The noises were getting fainter and quieter. I was walking through a crowded hallway where I saw Lynsey, probably about to go on stage. How could this day get any more stressful? And what could I do to relieve some of that stress? I definitely had an idea.

I walked up the stairs, headed up and walked straight up to her.

"Remember me?" I asked, her head turning my way and her makeup person walking away.

She looked confused, then shocked, then embarrassed. I looked her up and down and said, "I thought you would." She opened her mouth to talk but I was too fast. I don't think she expected it when I hit her, and part of me was glad. I had never hit someone before in my life, and I'm pretty sure it hurt my hand more than it hurt her face but it was most definitely worth it.

I felt like I was walking on top of the world when I turned on my heels and walked out of the hall. That is until, I saw Harry's face in shock in front of the exit door. I felt ashamed when I saw the way Harry was looking at me. My smile faded and I felt so vulnerable.

I tried at least acting a little confident as I walked up to say hi.

"Hey, how-"

"Did you just hit her in the face?" Harry asked me

"Well, sort of, I mean...." I didn't really know what I meant.

Harry smirked, which I'm guessing meant he noticed how confident I wasn't, for once.

"Good job. But next time, keep your thumb on the outside of your fist, I don't think you want it broken anytime soon." he smiled and walked back to his judges seat.

For whatever reason, just that little exchange of words with Harry brought up my mood that much more. I felt different. Shouldn't I be upset? Shouldn't I be sad that I just ended a two year relationship? Shouldn't I be annoyed that Harry Styles just talked to me? Hmm. Maybe it was time for a clean slate.

Maybe I should stay for the show after all.


"Who's your favorite?!"

"What?" I asked

A girl with red hair that was sitting next to me was trying to talk to me during one of the contestant's performances.

"Who's your favorite?!" she asked again.

"This one!" I replied.

I didn't know the girl's name that was performing, but she in fact was my favorite.

"I'm Cory!" the red head yelled.

"Oh, I'm Annie!" I said.

The girl performing, who I figured out was named Reese Dawson, was the last performance of the night and the judges started commenting on her performance. Simon Cowell was first, saying something about liking her persona of a head strong independent woman. To my surprise, Simon was interrupted by the one and only, Harry Styles.

"You know what, I completely agree with you Simon, in fact, Reese, you remind me very much of my friend Annie."

What? Did he just?

"That's why if I could, I would put all my money on you." he continued.

"Hey that's so weird, isn't your name Annie too?" Cory said to me.

"Yeah" I said in disbelief. He couldn't have been talking about me anyways.

Yeah, it is weird.

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