Ch. 8: Going Through Changes

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The show was packed by the time I got there, there were people everywhere I turned. I even got there half an hour early and I still had to push through people just to get to my seat. As was promised, it was close to the judge's table. Once Harry noticed me I waved and he flashed me a perfect smile. The girl behind me thought it was for her and just about had a heart attack. 

I had just put my phone on vibrate when I got a text, a text from Harry telling me to meet him backstage. I was a little annoyed that I would have to get through this crowd a couple more times but I was in a good mood so why not? I squished my way and even stepped on a couple shoes through people all around. I passed a girl who looked about 9 years old, throwing a tantrum to her father in the middle of everyone because her seats weren't close enough to Harry. Jeesh. It's not that big of a deal. 

I kept walking past the crying babies and crying fans, which there were more of than I thought there would be. Wow, people really go crazy over this guy. I got through security at the stage door but didn't exactly know where to go from there. I got a stage worker's attention and asked her where Harry Style's room was, and she looked at me like I was crazy and walked away. Of course, she thought I was a crazy fan. 

Just in time to ruin my train of thought of what I was supposed to do, I felt someone's hands on my face, covering my eyes. What was this, seventh grade? I grabbed their hands off my face and turned to face them, it was Harry. 

"Hey Harry" I said. He pouted and I was confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind," he said. 

"What? What did I say?" I chuckled

"It's just this whole "getting people to call me Styles" thing isn't working as well as I thought it would."

"Did you honestly think it would?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ha-ha." he faked.

"Shouldn't you be like, judging or something?" I asked

"Show doesn't start for another 10 minutes, come on, I'll show you around."

I tried to say no, I hated being introduced to people, it was so awkward, but he pulled my arm and led me to a large room before I could protest. He cleared his throat and everyone turned and faced, just like that. 

"Excuse me, I just wanted to introduce my good friend Annie. She's new to L.A. so if she needs anything I trust you guys will take care of her."

I gulped and waved. What the hell was he doing? This is so embarrassing. I saw the stage worker that I had asked for directions to Harry's room from earlier and she kind of just shook her head, probably wondering how a girl like me would know Harry Styles. 

No, wait, no that's not right. I shouldn't be thinking like that, he's just a normal person, not a God or anything. 

"So that's settled. Annie, this is Marsha, Jared, Tyler, Asher, David, Margaret, Gemma, and Penelope." he took a deep breath and continued, "Guys, this is Annie."  The room of people were looking at me. 

"Uh, hi everyone." I looked at Penelope last, the stage worker that thought I was a crazy fan, letting my look linger at her for a few seconds. 

I was shocked that I got back to my seat in one piece, without Harry of course. He left to his seat just a few minutes after I did and was escorted alone by a security guard to the judge's seats. Apparently this was the show where 2 people were kicked off and the Top 8 were announced. One girl was kicked off in the beginning; I hadn't really liked her anyways. Harry kept looking back at me, probably making sure I hadn't left knowing that Connor was on stage. The show had performances by Olly Murs, Jessie J, and Little Mix before they announced the next person who got kicked off at the end of the show. It came down to a group known as Florida Redemption and Connor. It felt weird knowing that two weeks ago I probably would have felt different about this. I would have been sympathetic and sad for Connor or something like that.

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