Ch. 9: "You Don't Understand." Part 1

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"I don't know exactly why I'm telling you this but I'm going out of town this weekend." I looked up at Harry. He was wearing a blue tee shirt, black skinny jeans, and socks. His hair was especially messy today, too.

"You're telling me because that's what friends do and where you going?" Harry asked.

We were at my house looking through my old CD collection. I was standing up looking at the one's on my shelf and he was ruffling through a box on the floor. A couple of weeks had gone by since the awkward "date".

"I'm going to Sacramento." I looked down at him.

"The Smiths?!" Harry had a wide grin on his face, he looked surprised. "I love the Smiths." he had a boyish smile on his face, he looked like a kid opening presents on Christmas. I smiled back at him. He was kinda cute when he wasn't being a pain in the ass.

He put the CD back in the box and continued to shuffle through them.

"Your taste in music isn't bad, you know. It's just missing one thing."

"Oh yeah? What's my collection missing?" I asked, intrigued and half knowing the answer.

"Our album." he pouted and I shook my head.

"What, you don't like my music?" he continued with a smirk.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Typical pop star.


I put my makeup bag in my purse and checked the house one more time to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I was really relieved to have a weekend back in my home town. Most of all I was nervous to see my family again, I really missed them.

I got into my car and turned on the stereo, I loved listening to music when I drove.

Maybe it's the way she walked, straight into my heart and stole it

What the? What?

Through the doors and past the guards, just like she already owned it

I recognized Harry's voice after the last few lines and relaxed in my seat. I didn't have the heart to tell him the other day that I actually hadn't even heard their new album yet. The CD case sat on the passenger seat with a note attached saying 'You're Welcome. H. xx.'

And we danced all night to the best song ever. We knew every line, now I can't remember how it goes but I know that I won't forget her, 'cause we danced all night to the best song ever

Eh. Wasn't half bad.


I pulled up to the hotel just as the sun was going down, 6 and a half hours later. I was absolutely exhausted from the drive and slightly annoyed. I checked in and pulled my phone out of my purse to 3 missed calls from Harry. I wasn't in the mood to talk but he called more than once, I should probably call him back.

It rang a few times and I was about to hang up when he finally answered.

"Hello? Ann?" He sounded out of breath.

"Har-did you just call me Ann?"

"Annie, sorry, where are you?"

"Sacramento?" I said slowly.

"I know, where at though?"


"I want to see you.." Maybe another day I would have thought this was cute, but I was just getting more annoyed by the second.

"I'm at a hotel."

"Which one?"

I opened my door, walked in, and dropped my stuff onto the bed.

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