Chapter 8

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Dedicated to my insane girl anu_payne because it's her day tomorrow. Happy birthday in advance and I hope you live longer and longer and keep irritating me with your stupid jokes and also, also keep scolding me like you do when I do something idiotic. My are my ❤ babe. Even though I'm not very good at expressing it to you. Always be by my side, k? And remember our plan of celebrating our 18th birthday together, after exams? We have to execute it okay? Okay. Damn, it sounds like a tfios scene. Anyways, I love you.

And happy birthday to Abby. Even though that idiot isn't here. Too many birthdays to remember, phew! Anyways, here's chapter 8.


"Take care? And I'll keep bugging you through messages and calls. Don't worry" he said and pinched my already red cheeks.

I laughed slightly and pecked his lips. "You take care, too. Yeah?" I replied.

He nodded.

"So. Um... Bye. I guess?" I hesitated but said it anyway.

"Yeah. Bye." He waved as I turned around and started walking inside the airport, while stopping and taking short glances at Arjun's fading figure as the distance between us increased.

Chapter 8

I dialed Ma's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Naina!" her avid voice rang through the phone.

"Ma. I'm in the plane. It'll be taking off in a few minutes" I told her.

"Alright. Take care. And call me whenever you can" she said.

"Yes Ma. I will. I'll call you after I reach Boston. Take care of yourself."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye Ma. I love you."

"I love you too."

I switched off my phone and slipped it inside my jeans pocket before taking my seat and settling down comfortably.


I reached Boston at 10 in the morning and just imagine I had to attend my first day of college, totally jet lagged. What is this life! *weeps*

I entered the one and only 'Boston University' through the massive gate and was immediately awestruck by the beauty of that place. It was like I was in some other world.

Girls and boys who particularly seemed to be around my age sat/ lay across the grassy garden, in groups, talking and chatting with each other.

I started to feel a little awkward because I was very bad in starting up conversations with strangers. It always had to be the other way round.

As I hobbled around the area, not sure where to go when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to find a woman in her fifties but was well dressed in a formal coat and skirt, smiling at me.

"Hi. I'm Diana. I'm the guide for the new comers. Do you want me to show you around the place? I know its a pretty huge place to deal with" she cheerfully said and winked at the end.

First of all, due to her accent, it took me 10 seconds to realize what she said. Second, I being my awkward self, stood there like a dumb. Not knowing how to react.

"Um..." I trailed off.

She raised her eyebrow and I gave her an awkward smile before nodding my head vigorously.

My Kind Of Happily Ever Afters Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon