Chapter 10

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"Jessica? You in there?" I called out for my room mate. She was more of a flat mate though because both of us shared a flat here.


No reply.

"Jessica? I bought the groceries" I called out again. Still no reply.

I shook my head and went ahead to keep the bag in the kitchen myself because Jessica for now, was no where to be found, or...... was she?

I turned around to see her sitting on the couch near the stairs, engrossed in the book she was reading.

I sighed and glared at her.

She looked up at me blankly for a while before getting back to her book. She was weird. Like really very weird. Super duper weird. Okay, I maybe a tad bit weird as well, but she? Dude! She's in a totally whole new level of weirdness! All she does whenever I tell her something, is glare!

Phew! Enough of rambling for the day, I guess? Okay, Back to business.

Okay,  so most of you must be wondering what's my scene with Arjun now.  Well,  we just worked things out between us and we decided that we were just pissed off that day and had pulled up an unnecessary fight. And guess what? We're fine now! Cool? Yeah, cool. 

What's wrong with me today?

Anyways, I am having the super best time of my life here.  These people here are amazing, oh well except *whispers Jessica's name*. Do not tell her. 

Misha Di was right. Boston is a like a crazy change in my life but it's the best change so far.  I just hope things go the same way in the future too.

"Hiiiii baaaaabe" I sang into my phone while dropping myself on the bed with a 'not so loud' bump or thump or just bu...  Argh.... I don't even know what it's called. Forget it.

"Wow.  Someone seems to be in a cheery mood today" Arjun's voice rang through the phone.

"I am always in a cheery mood.  Mind you" I replied.

"Haha... Of course. So how's Boston so far? Thumps up or thumps down?"

"It's a hugeeee thumps up! My life here is like a dream! I have already become the teacher's favourite. I have made 2 new best friends and they're craaaaaazy,  but in a good type of course. Then, assignments are due next Saturday and I am pretty confident about it"

"Cool! Oh, yeah I was gonna say tha-"

"And you know Zac,  not so Efron pranked Lissy that day and she had the best godamn expression ever! It was so freaking funny! Oh god! I still can't get over it!"

"You are having a lot of fun there,  seems like it"

"Yeah, you have no idea how fun it is here"

I grabbed the ice cream tub and scooped up a generous amount of it and hobbled it in one go.

"Oh,  you were saying something" I spoke whilst trying to ease the burning sensation in my mouth.

"Yeah,  I was gonna tell you about my intervie-"

"Damn! Wait. My mouths burning!"

I dropped my phone on the bed and ran to the kitchen to find something. I found some warm water in the flask and gulpped some from it,  instantly feeling better.

I sighed and scolded myself for having so much of ice cream at once. 

I walked back into the room and grabbed my phone to take the call on hold but realized that Arjun was no longer on line.

Well, that was strange. He hung up. He usually waited to talk to me. But, I am sure he'll call later. Maybe something came up?

I shook my head and sat at the edge of my bed and watched some TV while having the rest of the ice cream.

After an hour or so, I realized i was hungry and also that it was past lunch hour. I skipped lunch? Jessica didn't even bother to ask me. Argh!

I walked out of the room to find the house empty. No sign of Jessica anywhere.

When I couldn't bear to hear the sound of my stomach growling any longer, I gave up searching for my home mate and strolled to the kitchen to eat anything she left for me to eat. Instead I found a small yellow sticky note stuck up on the fridge. 

'It was your turn to cook today, but you forgot. So, I'm going out to grab lunch'.

"Bitch!" was all I said after reading the note.

What a bitch!

I sighed and tapped on my growling stomach as if consoling it.

"You gotta make something for yourself anyway" I told myself.

I groaned and put on the apron and prepared myself for some cooking.

"What should I cook? Umm..." "Chocolate pancakes?"

Nah, too sweet for my liking.

"Baked beans?"

Too British.


Nah, it takes a long time for its preparation and I don't think I am going to survive that time.

"Aloo parantha?"

The thought of it lit me up like a Christmas tree. Perfect.

I took out all necessary ingredients to make it and got to work.

I was done stuffing the dough with potato mix and then came the tough part.  I had to roll the dough into flat circles. I had never got that circle perfectly like mom. In fact my dough came up in weird shapes whenever I tried rolling it.

However, I realized i had to manage anything so I completed the rest of the work. 

After, I was done frying the parantha, I transferred them on my favorite plate that I carried along with me from India. Mom used to always serve me food in it and back at home I would never have food in some other plate.

I carried my plate to the room and sat on a chair comfortably before digging in.

"Amm..." I moaned taking in the delicious aroma and flavour of the dish. I decided that it was my new favorite dish and would make it every Saturdays for lunch.

Parantha was never that much of a favourite food. I just to like it but I was not that much into it. 

Back at home I just used to always prefer having pizzas over paranthas. Breads over rice. I was way too British in eating habits when I was in Mumbai.

And now when I am far far far away from that place, I miss having everything I neglected back then. It's weird right?

Like we all face that situation sometime. We neglect things when we have it in front of us and choose something else over it but when we're far away from it, we miss it.

I smiled at the nostalgia that hit me hard and decided to call Mom and tell her that her 'oh so British' daughter decided to become Indian for a change.

The phone rang for a few seconds before I heard a very cheerful "Hello" from the other side. My smile was replaced by a wide grin on hearing her voice.

"Hiii maaa"

Oh damn, why do my chapters always end with a phone call.  Haha,  anyways this was a filler chapter and probably not so good but I still decided to write a chapter for you guys because it's been ages since I last updated. I am so darn sorry! I was suffering a major writers block post my exams and you know how frustrating it is when you want to write something but can't get words to frame it. So,  I guess that's all for now. I hope this chapter is just a tiny mint bit fine. I promise a good chapter next update. Till then Tada! Keep reading, commenting and don't forget to click on the tiny star button on your screen cause that gives me all the courage to write those whatever nonsense I write. 

Love, Diksha ❤

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