Chapter 9

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Surprise chapter? Yes! Because I craved writing.

And cheesefists this one's for you. Because you deserve to be happy bae.

Chapter 9

"Naina?" a groggy voice said.

"Arjun? Are you sleeping?" I asked confused.

"Of course babe. That's what normal people do at 2 am right?" he asked.

Shit. That's when I realized that I was being totally oblivious to the time zones, and that I was in a different country.

"Um... I'm so sorry Arjun. I kind of for-"

"Forgot that you are away from me in some unknown country?" he finished for me.

I bit my lower lip as if biting down my urge to sniffle a cry.

"Naina. It's okay. I'm up now. Talk to me" he said.

"No, you should just go to sleep" I replied.

"I don't want to. Talk to me. Now!" he scoffed.

I smiled to myself and said "So?"




"You do realize that we're making 'so' sound like a new version of 'okay' from tfios right?" I asked.

His beautiful laugh could be heard from the other side of the phone. I craved to see those laugh lines that plopped out on the side of his eyes when he laughed. I sounded lame but I can't help it.

"Yeah, I do realize that. If it sounds like that then so be it" he replied. I giggled to myself, imagining him smirking over the phone. Oh that infamous Arjun smirk!

"Miss me already" I mocked.

"Nah. Not at all. I'm totally enjoying my freedom. And I swear I'm really happy that you're not here. I'm having too much fun" he mocked me back.

"That was pure freaking rude! You're such a meany!" I scoffed.

He laughed again.

"If you're enjoying so much then I'll never come back" I said rolling my eyes.

"No, I might get bored of the freedom really soon and I might be needing someone by my side to annoy me again so you definitely should come back" he said.

"So you're using me to get over your boredom?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah maybe?" he replied.

And I swear I totally gaped at that, even though I knew he was kidding. But the distance between us was making me really insecure. I couldn't help it. It's like one side of me knew that Arjun was mine and he would stick to me always but the other side, the insecure side refused to believe it. It compelled me to think otherwise. And what scared me the most was that my insecure side was stronger than my secure side. I knew insecurities destroy. It wills you to believe stuff that are not real. But I always ended up being insecure and that was perhaps the worst thing about me.

"You know what! I hate you. Bye!" I said and cut off the call before he could say anything.

My happy mood was instantly replaced with a sour mood and I could strangle anyone to death if he or she annoyed me.

My phone started buzzing and I cut it off without even looking at the caller ID.

"Lana? Done with the call?" Zac said and I realized I was in Boston.

"Uh. Yeah." I replied and we started walking to the canteen. The environment had already started becoming familiar to me.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Zac asked. I looked at him confused. Did I made it that obvious?

"Yeah? Was it that obvious?" I replied.

"Yes, kind of" he laughed.

"Wait, he's not my boyfriend. He's more of a fiance" I told.

"Woah! You're engaged!?" he gasped.

I chuckled softly and nodded, waving my ring finger at him.

"Damn! So what are the chances of me flirting with you?" he asked.

I slapped his hand and said "Zero".

He face palmed and I laughed.

"So I'm assuming you're totally new to this city" he asked.

"Yep" I replied.

"Actually I'm totally new to the States" I told him.

He nodded while we continued walking.

We reached the canteen and grabbed our eatables before settling down at the corner.

"This is so yum!" I moaned as I relished the heavenly mac and cheese burger.

"I agree" he said munching into his food.

"Hi! Can I sit here?" a girly, very girly voice said. We looked up from food to see a brunette girl standing with a wide grin.

I looked at Zac and he just shrugged. "Sure" I beamed at her.

"Thank you so much. You guys are such a saviour. I didn't know how to get anyone to talk to me with my awkward self" she sighed.

"Well if you're awkward then you've come to the right place. I totally feel you" I said and we both ended up laughing.

"I'm Liselle by the way" she introduced herself.

"Hi. I'm Naina" I shook her hand.

"Naeena?" she asked confused.

And I had to control my urge to face palm. Was my name so freaking difficult to pronounce?

"You can stick to Lana" Zac said for the first time.

"I mean that's what I call her because I can't get myself to pronounce her name correctly as well" he shrugged.

Liselle's lip formed a 'o' as she nodded.

University wasn't going to be too bad after all.

"Want a bite from the pizza? Well. I normally don't share my food but since you saved me I can give you a bite" Liselle said, making me giggle.

"Girl! You're so like me!" I squealed.

She grinned and bought her pizza near my mouth from which I took a bite.

"I want a bite too" Zac not so Efron said.

Liselle grinned and gave him a bite as well.

Oh well, coming to the character descriptions which you must be wondering about, Zac had the nerdy but cute look. He was scary fair and wore black glasses contrasting his skin color. He tried to flirt now and then but ended up being his failing miserably at it, which was a funny point about him. He had a very good sense of humor and that definitely wasn't a bad thing. And the fact that he reminded me of Abhay made me happy in a way.

Liselle Noronha was a Portugal. She had come here all the way from a town in Portuguese leaving her family, to study here. She was almost a replica of me in habits and behaviour, from what I came to know. She loved pizza as much as I did and she didn't like swearing as well. So cheers!

That day went by, with me familiarizing with the environment and my new friends Liselle and Zac not so Efron. I don't even know why I'm saying 'not so Efron' all the time but whatever.

By the end of it all I started feeling so sleepy and jet lagged that as soon as I reached my apartment I fell on the bed and slept like a bear in hibernation.

Short chapter, sorry!

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