Chapter 4

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"Pst! Pst! Wake up you sleepy head!" I heard murmurs near my right ear. I groaned and covered my ear with a pillow.

"Dude! I'm here. Wake up!" said the voice yet again. I swear I will kill that person, whoever be it. No one comes in between me and my sleep.

"Let me sleep, whoever you are!" I snapped.

"God! You still can sleep a lot!" groaned the voice.

"Shush! Go away!" I moaned.

"Fine, I am your sister. I very well know how to wake you up," said the same voice and I could here footsteps fading away. I sighed and squeezed shut my eyes again only to jump and sit up on bed when I realized that it was Misha Di.

"Di?" I called out but got no reply in return.

I sat on bed, scratching my head wondering if I had heard right. I was brought back to earth with shuffling noises from near my door.

I peeped outside my room to see Misha Di dragging a bucket full of water to my room. What the hell was she up to?

"Misha Di? What are you up to?" I asked when she entered my room dragging the bucket inside. She widened her eyes, hearing my voice and groaned.

"All my hard work in vain!" she sighed and sat down at the edge of my bed.

"What hard work?" I asked confused.

"Why did you have to wake up so soon? You could have waited till I dumped the water on you?" she whined, looking dead serious and I looked at her with an 'Are you kidding me' expression.

"I see Manhattan hasn't made much of a difference on you, apart from being more confident, you are the same old Misha Mehra who is mentally disabled." I shook my head.

"And you are the same old idiot, meri pyaari behna (A/N: My loving sister) Naina." She grinned, charging at me to give me a bear hug.

"God you crazy woman! Get off me!" I snorted but ended up laughing. She chuckled and slung an arm around my shoulder 

"So tell me how much you missed me? Very much or too much?" she asked.

I pursed my lips together. "What's even the difference?"

"Uh- Um... Very much means too much and too much means-" she spoke but stopped mid way. She thought for some more time before giving up. "Forget it." She sighed.

I chuckled.

"Anyways go take a shower and then we're going out" she beamed.

"We are? Who are?" I enquired.

"We? You and me! Go take a shower now!" she said before leaving the room.

"Take that bucket out of my room at least?" I yelled.

"You keep it" she yelled back.

"What the duck! I didn't even bring it here. You did. You keep it, before mom starts lecturing us to keep our things in their places" I told her.

"I heard that. And Misha go keep the bucket in its place" I heard Mom say from somewhere downstairs. I muttered profanities under my breath and shook my head before grabbing my stuff, and walked inside my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Stuff as in my- well you don't need that much of details.

I brushed my teeth and took a bath before changing into some fresh  clothes.

I combed my partially wet hair and blow dried it till it was fully dry. I put on my flip flops and skipped the stairs.

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