I shook my head. "We'll find that out in January before they go off to the UK again."

"Same with the genders?"

I nodded.

She smiled. "I'm so excited. Will you guys want more after this?"

I shook my head. "Heck no. Three will be enough."

Jake chuckled from the kitchen. "But you two will still have fun. I don't doubt that." He winked.

I laughed. "Maybe."

CC looked back at me and raised an eyebrow. I winked. He grinned.

 Carolyn ran over to me and pulled herself on the couch. I brought her under the blanket with me to keep warm. After a couple of songs, Jake's dad, Mark, said, "Time for breakfast!"

Jinxx said, "Ladies first!"

The girls and I got up. I took Carolyn with me and got her  a plate too. We sat down once we got our food and the guys got food as well. We ate and had girl talk in the kitchen while the guys fooled around. Yeah, not the dirty kind, perverts.

When we finished, we bundled up more and walked out into the snow to play around in it. Then we got too cold and went back inside to bundle up again and watch some movies. But the guys ended up talking with Mark for awhile about their guy stuff so we watched movies by ourselves, getting warm.

Then CC sat straight on my legs. Carolyn started laughing, right next to my ear, so it was loud.

I said, "Hello there."

"Hello love." He laid on the other side of me and we shared a blanket.

 He picked Carolyn up and put her on his lap, bringing the blanket over her as well. I cuddled up to CC and we were warmer. Then I found myself asleep.

Then CC shook me. I opened my eyes and said, "What?"

"Lunch is ready."

CC helped me up and I walked over to get food. Then we ate lunch and a few of us took showers. I gave Carolyn a bath and CC fell asleep on the couch with Carolyn laying next to him. I talked with Mark for a bit and CC woke up right when Carolyn did around 4.

I said to Jon, "Is there anyway we can get to the next venue?"

Jon nodded. "There's a few open roads. Just the venue owners are believing there will be a snow storm tonight, so we have to get out of here as soon as we can."

"Right now?" Jake asked.

Jon said, "As soon as possible."

We frowned. We love it here at Mark's, but we have to hit the next venue which is about eight hours away. We all said our goodbyes and went onto the bus and pulled out, taking our eight hour drive.

Then halfway through, we stopped at a bus stop and some had potty breaks and then some got some snacks: candy, chips, drinks. I got out of the bunk and walked to the lounge. I started feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Sammi looked at me funny. "Are you okay, Alesana?"

Then I felt like everything was spinning. She instantly stood up and supported me at my side. CC came in at the right time. He walked back then saw me and said, "What's wrong?"

Jake said, "Why is she so pale?"

CC sat me down and said, "Alesana. Talk to me. What's wrong?"

I felt like I couldn't say anything at all. The only words I could manage to get out were. "Dizzy. Spinning."

Apparently they weren't clear enough, since Sammi said, "What did she say?"

CC was worried. "Love, talk to me. Come on."

Married to a Rockstar. Sequel to Girlfriend of a Rockstar.Where stories live. Discover now