Seventeen. Do You Wanna Come In?

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“Jamie.” He states, frankly.

“Ok.  So I have been thinking about it and I decided that it would be ok to see him.”

“That’s great.  Thank you so much, Niall.  I am sure it was not an easy decision for you.  I’ve read over the entire case file and so I know what he did to you.  But I can assure you that the man you knew four years ago is not the same man he is today.”  He assured.

“Well, yes.  I am slightly nervous if I’m being honest and I think I would prefer for the meeting to be in a public place.  Well sort of public place.  I want to feel safe but at the same time, with the type of career that I have, paparazzi can be an issue.  And him coming to my place is completely out of the question.  For obvious reason, you understand.”  I really want to be able to talk with him privately without the worry of photographers catching wind of where I am, even though what went on between Jamie and I was never made public, but I still need the security of knowing that he can’t harm me.  And I certainly don’t want him knowing where I live, just in case.

“I certainly understand and I have a resolution for that, if you would be agreeable to it.” He says and I continue to listen.  “You could meet at my office.  Due to the types of people that I sometimes treat, I have security cameras set up in the different rooms and when I am seeing one of the more troublesome patients, a security staff member watches the security feed for the room that I am in.  Just in case anything should happen.  I wouldn’t consider Jamie as one of my troublesome patients but I can understand your need for wanting to feel safe.  So while the two of you are talking, I’ll be watching the security feeds in a room down the hall.  Would that work for you?”  I think about it for a second and I guess that suggestion could work.

“That sounds fine.  Thank you.  Would I…um…be able to bring someone with me?  They can stay in the room with you.”  I ask knowing Harry will never let me go alone.

“Absolutely.  If it would make you feel more comfortable.”

“Ok.  Thanks.  So when will this be happening?” I ask.

“Well, Jamie is going to be released on Monday, as you know.  Then he will be spending time getting situated in his temporary flat and he will have to have a meeting with his parole officer, so I think by Thursday of next week.  How about at two in the afternoon?  Would that be ok with you?”  I don’t know if I have anything scheduled or if Harry does for that matter but I am sure it should be fine.

“That’s good.”

“Great.  And thank you so much for doing this, Niall.  Like I’ve said before, I really think that this will finally put his past and his previous antics to bed.  This will heal him, almost completely, I think.”

I tell him that I hope it does heal Jamie and then he provides me with the address to his office.  He thanks me again and tells me how excited Jamie will be to hear that I agreed to meeting with him.  We say goodbye and I sit completely still on the sofa, with nothing but my thoughts.  After ten minutes, I am out the door and on my way to the studio.

It only took about three hours to finish what needed completing with Travis.  I recorded some vocals to a couple songs and tweaked some others.  Only a few more days working things out and I think we will be finished with all of the songs and then it’s just a matter of narrowing them down to about eighteen for the album.  It feels really good knowing I’ll finally be coming out with my sophomore album and I do really hope it’s as well received as my first was.

I am home before dinner and begin to consider if I want to out tonight.  What I really want to do is call Ryan.  I wonder what he is doing and I miss him terribly.  I scroll back and forth over his name in my phone and come close to calling him several times.  But I have to respect what he wants even if I don’t like it.  I’ll wait and call him tomorrow like we had planned.

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