Chapter 94~!

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"Well now, it all begins with a baby..." Danny said like he was beginning story time at a nursery.

My curiosity was going nuts. I wanted to know so badly! The thoughts of where Tael had come from, who his parents were, and how he became what he is today was eating at me. Deep down, in a mostly unoccupied corner of my mind, I was thinking of how relieved I was that he had gotten away from Hell and the demons. The same went for all the other kids, too, of course. But the wonder... I was in need of some answers!

"I might as well just state it outrightly," Danny said, almost like a thought to himself. "Alfred, you're Tael's father. Just by the way. And Rayn's his mother."

I tried to look at my brother, but Danny was blocking my view. Still, it didn't take a genius to imagine the shocked look on his features. "No... No way... She was right?"

"Oh, so Rayn did suspect it from the beginning," Danny assumed with an expression of glee. His fangs glinted in the light of the hot lamps beating down on us. "That makes me glad~"

"How in the world did you manage to take their baby from them, though?" I asked with the hopes that I could keep the conversation going. My questions were so loud inside my head...

"You know how demons steal souls, right?" Danny said to me.

I nodded, my chains rattling the tiniest bit with the movement. "Usually you kiss the person and take it from them."

"Yeah, but sometimes we just reach in and pull it out," Danny said. "Kinda hard to kiss away a fetus' soul, y'know?"

"You took his soul?" Alfred cried out incredulously.

"Mmhmm. The fetus died inside your wife, she gave birth to the body, and you both sent it away to a crematorium." Danny seemed a little bored for a moment, and then a glint of excitement lit up his blacker-than-ink eyes. "But we stole the body before it could be cremated~"

"You-- What? We got his ashes back, what are you talking about?" Alfred exclaimed.

"The people at the crematorium realized the baby's body was missing, so they substituted some of another person's ashes and hoped no one would notice," Danny explained with a malicious grin stretching his lips. "Humans are so predictable. They covered our tracks for us and left everyone none the wiser."

"But why would you do that?" I demanded angrily. "What's the point?"

"Curiosity. Experimentation. We wanted to create something new," Danny said, leaning closer over me with each given reason until he was right in my face. I suppressed my urge to grimace at the hot breath blowing against my face, and then he was standing straight again.

"You all know countries are strong. You can live indefinitely, and you can heal faster than what's physically possible. Humans babies just weren't cutting it with the reptile merging process. So, we as scientists got a brilliant idea: to use a country, or what came as close as possible to being a country." Danny laced his fingers together and pushed them outward, causing them to crack and pop audibly. I saw his tail dart out to tap Alfred in the center of his chest. "Your son was a perfect candidate for the experiment. So, we took him."

He faced Alfred, so his back was to me.

"You're a bastard," I spat. My brother seemed to have fallen silent, which was odd for him.

"I'm a scientist," Danny corrected me without turning around. "And a damn good one at that. Heh..."

He pivoted on one booted heel and strode closer to my table. "You saw what his soul looked like, didn't you. What did you see, Alice?"

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