Chapter 89~!

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"Man, I wonder where Chris went," David said as he slid into a chair across from the quietly eating Aila.

She looked up from her homemade poutine and nodded her silent agreement.

"He didn't call you or anything, did he?" David asked curiously.

Aila felt her cheeks redden ever so slightly and she shook her head. "I-I don't have his number, s-so no."

"Huh. I would have thought he'd give you his number or something by now," David noted. "The way you guys seemed so close earlier, after all."

"N-No, w-we aren't really that close," Aila corrected him quickly, digging into her food and taking a bite.

Still, her rosy complexion remained throughout the lunch break.


"You drove him off, didn't you," a snotty voice said angrily from behind Aila, and she whirled to see a group of three girls. They stood and looked like they had every right to the air of royalty that surrounded them all. The girl in front was a honey-blond with grey eyes and fair skin. Her two friends were dark-haired, one was a raven-haired stick of a girl and the other a brunette whose head only came up to the lead girl's shoulder.

 "Wh-What?" Aila stammered, confused by what they meant. Drove off who?

"You drove Christian off, didn't you?" The raven-haired one snapped, looking just as peeved as the other two in her little "pack".

"N-No, no!" Aila said quickly with a shake of her head. "Why would I--?"

"Well, he was hanging around you for some reason, and now he's not at school," the lead girl explained in a haughty way. Her arms folded over her chest and she glared at the newest student.

Aila tried to not shrink under the girl's gaze. "I... I don't know what you're so upset aboot..."

"Are you kidding me? He's gorgeous, but obviously you run guys out of the school."

"And what's up with your eyes?" the brunette asked none too nicely. "I mean, really, gold? Are those even natural?"

"Y-Yes--" Aila tried to explain that her grandmother had gold eyes like Aila herself, but she was cut off again.

"Oh god, are you some kind of freak?" the brunette shrieked, stepping back a foot or two.

"No, I'm not a f-freak!" Aila exclaimed angrily. What were these girls' problems? Why were they picking on Aila?

"You sure can't seem to stop stuttering," the lead blondy said with a self-serving smirk. "I'll bet that's got something to do with it all, hmm?"

"Just... Just go away," Aila pleaded. "I didn't do a-anything to you three."

~In Hell~

Alice's POV~

"What's... What's that...?" Vale asked quietly, almost stammering as she looked down into what could only be The Square Tael had described to us earlier. It was shaped exactly as its name indicated, and at the moment it was filled with all sorts of lesser beings that lived in Hell: the generic devils with black skin and small, skinny bodies and limbs; orbs of red light that hung in the air like floating suns, yet these had eyes and could shout from unseen mouths; slimy beings like slugs, yet their skin was like armor and the gooey substance oozed from between the overlapping folds of said skin.

But in the very center of The Square was a circle of clowns. Yeah, that's right. Clowns.

Some had two heads.

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