Chapter 85~!

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"What are we gonna do now?"

That was the million dollar question. What were we going to do? Our kids were kidnapped by super-fast, super-cunning devil versions of ourselves.

"The kids are being held in Hell," Kadi said matter-of-factly. "We should go rescue them."

"That's sounding more and more difficult by the minute," I groaned, frowning at the table. We'd brought it back inside the meeting room and the remaining kids were milling around. I think James was on the verge of going into a coma... His brother and the girl he loves were both taken. I would go into shock if I was in his place, too.

"First of all, we need a team to be pieced together to get them back," Kadi continued, standing up from her seat. The chair legs protested when they scooted back along the floor.

Looks like she was taking charge of the meeting, for once.

"Preferably, they need to be stealthy. Or have magic. But it would best that if any parents are going, one spouse stays behind from this mission." I don't think Kadi had to explain her reasons why one parent would stay behind.

If something happened to one of us, it would only be logical if the kids... still had at least one parent to look after them.

A grim notion, but it made sense.

"This will be dangerous." Kadi didn't like sugar-coating things. "But this won't be a sort of "rush in with guns spitting bullets" kind of operation. The way I envision it, the team goes in through a portal, finds and retrieves the children if possible, and sneaks everyone back through the same portal. No mess, no fuss. Get in, get out with everyone in tow."

"Who vould be on zhis awesome team?" Prussia inquired, leaning his cheek against his palm with his elbow against the table.

"I was gonna ask for volunteers, first," Kadi replied. "So, is anyone interested in going into Hell?"

... Not a great way to phrase the question, but whatever. I raised my hand languidly, rolling my eyes.

"I'll go."

"Eh?" Matthew yelped, looking over at me with wide eyes. "Alice, no!"

"You aren't changing my mind," I stated firmly, folding my arms and looking away from my husband. I heard him slump in his chair.

"Stubborn American..." he grumbled, which made me smile just a little.

England raised his hand next. "I'll go as well. I want to make sure my daughter gets home safely."

Joy looked troubled by something but didn't speak up. Christian bit his lower lip, the book in his hand forgotten for the time being.

"Dudes, whatever it is, I'm in!" America declared as he and Rayn came back inside the meeting room and took their seats. "What's goin' on?"

I rolled my eyes again. "Good Lordy, don't agree to things you don't know anything about."

"It's the American way," he shot back mirthfully. I stuck my tongue out at him, which he mirrored.

"Ladies, ladies," Kadi interrupted. "America, we're doing a reconnaissance mission to see if we can retrieve the kids. Sneak them out from under the devils' noses."

"We aren't rushing in with guns spitting bullets?" America asked almost disappointedly.

"No, we're not."


"Please tell me you're joking," England said to America exasperatedly.

My brother smirked. "Totally."

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