Chapter 11 🌷

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Selena P.O.V.

The burning in my throat was so intense I clawed at my skin to soothe the undying pain. Pitch black surrounded me as I sat in another anti-witch cage.

I had lost all form of time and my eyes got accustomed to the darkness. Once in a while a stray voice broke the silence. Other cell members sharing the same fate as my own;death. They called out to nothingness pleading for help and mercy. Other times they would babble incoherently to the silence.

Food would come twice a day for us, consisting of dried up bones,coated with saliva. It was no surprise that I wasn't favoured here. The entire cell was concrete, leaving metal bars at the entrance. The air was stale, scents of blood and urine filled the moldy atmosphere. A place fit for a king I thought bitterly as I pulled my legs to my body, struggling against the coldness.

A dim light emerged from the darkness and made its way towards my cell.

"This is pitiful mother," Sherize said,as she shone her flashlight at my face. I hissed as the dim light stang my skin.

"Get that away from me," I snapped shielding my eyes.

"You look pale," She said, shifting the ray of light all over my body.
"I brought you some blood."

I looked in her direction. She wore  a black leather pants that clang to her frail legs with knee high boots, and a tank top that was buried beneath a thick leather jacket. She was holding out a bag of a red liquid.

"Blood," I whispered, as I moved towards the light, my tongue gingerly passing over my cracked lips.

"Oops," She said, as the bag fell from her hands and splattered on the floor, sending blood flying everywhere. The scent quickly filled the room and the other prisoners began to stir.

"Blood, Blood," They groaned like zombies.

I slowly licked the blood that was on my hand, savouring its taste. My the pain in my throat, soared in response, craving for more of the warm, red liquid.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk the mighty Selena look how far you've fallen," She said, crouching down to face me.

"Father should have ripped your head off the moment he laid eyes on you."

"I thought the same," I replied, a sly smile on my lips "But killing me would do him no good. He needs me to bring Cheerie here."

"That abomination," Sherize said, spitefully "Truly mom, you are despicable."

I chuckled, "Whats so funny!" She screamed, gripping tightly onto the metal bars, then recoiling as it burned her skin.

I edged closer to the bars "I can't wait to see Cheerie kill you." I hissed and watched as she stumbled backwards, shocked.

She stood up and tried to regain her composure.

"You're a mess," She said, in a disgusted voice. "Your face is bony, your hair is messy, your breath stinks, your eyes are hot red from lack of blood."

The more she hurled insults at me the more confidence she regained.

"There's no way that bitch can beat me," She said finally a satisfied smirk on her face. "And you're a sad excuse for a mother!"

"Yoouu?" I laughed loudly, trying to hide the pain in my throat. And the growing one on my heart. I had been a terrible mother to this child.

"You barely have a fraction of my power, which does you no good." I inched closer to the metal bars that separated us. Her face a painting of horror.

"If it wasn't for your fathers blood you would be more useless than you are now." She flinched as I spat daggers at her.

"Cheerie ,may be an abomination. But she's the strongest thing our being has ever created. Why do you think my father wants her so badly? Why do you think he used you? Its all for her Sherize," I gripped the iron bars as I spoke. My hands screamed in response.

"Its all for Cheerie, don't you get it!"

"You're wrong," She whispered, as she backed away into the darkness.

"You'r-"  A pair of hands gripped her from behind.

"Don't you think you're selling it a little bit Selena," A face emerged from the darkness. I let go of the bars, and looked down at my hands. They were badly bruised, but were slowly healing.

"You have seen better days," My ex-husband said, as he stood in front of my cell.

"Wait for me outside," He said, to Sherize then turned his attention towards me. They only thing illuminating the darkness were our eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, slowly moving away to the end of the cell.

"I came to see you. What are you doing? I'm not going to hurt you," He replied.

I gulped "Like I'd trust you. Just leave Michael,"I said.

"Fat chance Sweety," He snapped his fingers and the iron bars slowly retracted. He walked into the cell.

"What are you doing?" I gasped trying to put distance between us.

"Wanted to see what you were up to." He cracked his knuckles.

"Michael please," I said trying to summon the little strength I had.

"Lets play a little game," He replied standing a few feet ahead of me. My feet stopped at the edge of cell, I was backed into a corner.

"I'm not interested," I said, holding up my arms.

"Too bad," He replied, then swung. 

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