Chapter 4 :Shades of Purple 🌷

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*Author's note*
This chapter is going to be a little short . The story is dragging on a bit. Happy new year to all!

I waited for Suzie in the parking lot. Classes were finally over. After lunch Sherize took me upstairs to my Biology class. It wasn't that productive since everyone was doing introductions, me especially being the new one in class.

Sherize insisted that she stay here with me to wait for Suzie but I dismissed her. I didn't need a babysitter. Suzie arrived five minutes after I got here.

"Hey," she greeted me as I entered the car.

"How was your first day at school?" She inquired,as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"Was great Suzie," I said , she seemed satisfied with that answer.

We were heading into the town which was not far as I assumed. The roads were pretty busy and there were various stores along the streets.

"Here," Suzie pointed out to me , gesturing to a building at the corner of a street.

"This is where your mother will have her cafe,"

I nodded, my mother previously discussed her plans with me before we left. Soon she will be giving me fliers to promote her new business in the school.

We continued driving till Suzie entered the parking lot of a store. I stepped outside and followed Suzie into the air conditioned store. We were immediately greeted by a sales assistant.

"Hello there and welcome to KC's hardware store. How may I be of assistance?" she asked

A bit shorter than I was blonde hair and clear grey eyes. I looked at her name tag on her blue polo shirt, Kelly it read. Suzie spook first.

"We're looking for paint miss, preferably a purple or red ," she said.

I smiled ,Suzie always knew me so well.

"This way then," Kelly said, and began walking to the left of the huge store.

My eyes wondered across the room as we walked. The walls were white and were decorated with shelves of materials . Polished white tiles covered the floor.

"Here we are" Kelly said, then gestured to the paint cans before us.

On the shelves was a printed piece of paper which showed the different shades of purple there was available .

"Uh...," I said, trying to make a decision.

"Can you show us the royal purple please?" Suzie said.

"Here," Kelly took a can of paint from the bottom shelf and handed it to Suzie. "Is that all?"

"Yes thank you," Suzie said, and we followed kelly towards the front of the store.

Suzie paid for the can and we went to the car.

"Um Suzie one can isn't enough-" I began.

"If you dont like the colour you can take it back Cheerie," She injected and began driving back home.

I took the time to ask her about Sherize . She seemed cool and all but something was off about her. How did she know us so well when we just moved here.

"So um, Sherize" I said, disturbing the silence between us.

"How does she know us so well?"

Suzie sighed,"I think that's a subject you would want to ask Selena about Cheerie. She has a lot to tell you and the sooner you know the safer you will be."

That was all she offered. Her statement stunned me into silence. Suzie , rarely offered to my mom as Selena . I looked out the window, to distract my mind from the creeping  anxiety I felt. I remembered how scared the coach looked when Sherize mentioned my mom's name.

Something is up here, something huge and there's a reason no one has told me about it- to keep me safe. But from what? From whom? Suzie suddenly looked worried as I looked on, we were  speeding back home.

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