♧♣Chapter 2 ♣♧

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Keria patted De'shay's back awkwardly as she cried on her shoulder. We had just gotten back to my place and were counting up the money from Money's trap house when we got the call. Of course we torched the stolen car we had did the robbery in and since the plates on keria car expired yesterday she had to ride with me. I wanted to go home, count my money, and then cuddle up in my sheets, but that can't happen because Keria was hell bent on staying here until Money got out of surgery. She was most likely the most innocent of us... innocent isn't the word more like naive.

She loves to point out they we've all been friends since we met in Mr. Omegal's business management class and that I shot my friend's man so the least I could do was be there for her. As far as I'm concerned the only friends I got is money and my Father, and as of right now Keria was helping me bring in a lot of money so I would keep her happy as long as she was useful.

I stood up from the chair and did I small stretch, grabbing my keys out of Louis Vouton purse I walked towards the door.


"I'm just going to Starbucks Keria." I was tired beyond belief and this reminded me so much of the finals I had just finished taking, I swore that winter break would be me sleeping, sleeping, and more sleeping.

"If I don't get some caffeine in me soon all hell would break lose."

"Go its fine." De'shay managed a weak smile "We both know how you get when your cranky. "

I sighed as I walked out of the emergency room to my car which was parked all the way to the back. The slight morning chill had me clutching the trench coat tighter. I was trying to get dressed before we left for my father's court date this afternoon but I ended up I some tights uggs and my sweater with my white trench coat.

Getting into my car I sunk into the soft leather of the seats turning on the ignition the soft purr of my baby let me know I was set. Unlike my father I wasn't boastful about my shit or at least not yet but I was for sure getting that new Lamborghini.

I pulled up to the Starbucks which was less than a block away from the hospital. Parking my car I got out of my car and hit the button to lock it causing a few people to stare. Like I said  before I'm not boastful... I had a 2014 impala I had taken to calling her Candy since she was a shiny red. she sat on some 23's and was fully chromed out.

Walking into Starbucks and ordered three vanilla bean coffees and a banana nut muffin cause I don't do hospital food. Grabbing muffin I sat at a small table while waiting for my coffees which would be a couple of minutes since everyone was here. I watched all the perky white kids sitting around laughing with their friends while sipping on their venti latte. I scanned the crowded restaurant looking for anyone who could be a possible threat or who look threatening then I looked for the quickest and safest route out if anyone did try something

"For the first time God has answered my prayers" I looked up to find the sexy club owner from last night, I smiled and licked my lips "You took off pretty quick that morning."

I smiled i had woken up for the second time naked and wrapped up in his sheets and it was almost time for me to go to keria house to go over the plan about Money's trap. "Yeah I had um, previous plans."

"Well I'll tell you what, if you give me your number all is forgiven."

I laughed as I got up to grab the three drinks. "mhmm let me think about it."

"If you say no I'm still going to get it.' he said cockily picking up the coffee the barrister that sat on the counter with his name

"Really how's that?"

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