♧♣Chapter 7♣♧

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"Omg D are you serious right now." i tapped my foot impatiently as sweat begin to form on my brow

"Chase said not to let you in what you want me to do my hands are tied i fvcks with you but i wanna keep my life." I inwardly groaned i had given Chase 2 weeks to cool down

"Come on D you know they never know who manning the door anyway."

Darius sighed scratching the back of his head. "If i get tapped and pulled into the dungeon you better come save my ass!"

"i gotchu." i smiled brightly hugging him and stepping around him and into the trap

"Ah." he grabbed my arm pulling me into the shadows of the abonded house. "You might want to take the back way shorty not everybody fvcks with chu like that."

i nodded turning down the dark corridor that would lead me to Chase's office. i knocked lightly on the office door i didnt know necessarily what i would say to Chase but i need to say something cause my girls were getting anxious for some work.

he snatched the door open i tired look on his face. "How the fvck you get in here bruh." he held the bridge of his nose "imma fvcking kill Darius bruh!"

"What happened to sex not changing anything between us."

He walked away from the door letting me in and sitting back at his desk. "We both know that was a lie."

i rolled my eyes sitting down across from him. "You were there with Ke im pretty sure you went home and ... you know ... were not exclusive besides i think we should stop this." i said while motioning in between us

he scoffed signing a check before putting it in an evenlope. "whatever you want."

"And you continue doing business with my crew as usual."

"That's fine T." i stood to leave so he could get back to work "Long as i dont see you no more."

"What!" i turned on my heels

"you love yah girls right?"

I looked Chase in the eyes he wasnt doing this right now. When we first met i told him to kill me and let the girls live. I didnt roll deep like most n!ggas these days. My crew was 9 girls including me shay and Ke, we were 10 but i no longer counted Diablos girl since i did have plans to kill them. Most of them in college with me a few moms. We knew each others majiors and we went to there kids party we were close and i had gotten them into it. Chase didnt kill me that night because he said loyalty was something hard to find and my crew had alot of it.

"You wanna make sure their pockets are lined? ... Then i want you out. Pass it down to De'Shay or Ke and the Diamonds and you are no longer affliated. Otherwise im going to expo you to every Dealer you stole from and leave you and your girls fah dead."


I closed my eyes as i flopped down on my bed, Chase had given me a week to consider my options. Not that there was anything to consider, but after i called the meeting everyone was furious. It was a serious moment of truth before i told the crew our options i had to tell kierra and De'Shay which almost got us thrown out the hospital.


"So you pass it down to me or De'Shay or we all die!" kierra shouted

"Would you be quite." De'Shay eyes motioned to Money

"Oh for God Sakeshe in a coma Shay not sleep."

De'Shay rolled her eyes "Why is Chase doing this anyways, it doesnt make sense your his favorite and thats saying alot cajse Keirra the one fvcking him."

Keirra nodded "Yeah she's right as much as i hate to admit it."

I looked away from keirra and my eyes met with De'Shay before i looked away "T you didn't ... " i looked at De'Shay pleading with my eyes for her to shut up "Omg Tauriel!"

"What!" Keirra asked


"She fvcked Chase.!"

"You what!" Keirra said before lunging towards me

hearing my doorbell rang i stood from my bed to answer the door only to come face to face with King.

"Why you not dressed love." the words flowed so easily of his tongue and made me quiver.

"I forgot." i rubbed my forehead "Alots been going on." i opened the door more letting him in and going to sit on the couch

"I see." he grabbed my chin lightly turning towards him. he swept his hand lightly over the bruise on my cheek. he pulled me on to his lap and rested his chin on my head "Tell Daddy all yo promblems."

i laughed lightly picking up my head and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Not tonight." i leaned in softly and pecked his lips before he pulled me into a deeper kiss.

He groaned pulling away "My father needs an estimate on how mu h longer yall goin take to finish off that work he gave y'all."

"We already done."

"how yall get rid of all that so fast... how much was your profit."

"About triple of what we bought it from your dad for... broke some of it down kept some pure." i shrugged

He smiled gripping my as* and pulling me closer to him "so when you goin' come pick up some more or do you have to check witcha boss."

"Chase aint my boss no more, and because of that i dont exactly know when my girls goin pick it up."

i had made my decision i hadnt told Chase and i hadnt told thse girls who surprisingly much perfered us all going down together. But i knew what i had to do.

"Wait holdup your crew still Affliated with the Devil Boys but you not... os this whats been going on." i nodded "ok well now you really got to tell me."


i played with my hair as Kingsley and his dad continued discussing me as if i wasnt right here. "King we don't need a stick up crew .. and i have people that sell for me. "

"ok but how many of them can triple yah money."

"you did that?!" he looked at me for the first time all night

"Yeah."bi sat up a little straighter

his eyes flicked in between me and king "You sure this aint about the sex."

"Come on dad forea-"

"uhuh look me in my eyes anx tell me it aint cause the sex good. .. cause let me tell you i would do some unwise things behind yo mom when i was your age cause it was good. Good is an understatement yo mom pus*y was-"

"i really dont want to know." he stared his dad down "i wanna us to work with her because ahe a good worker not because the pus*y is good."

"So the only thing i heard was that the pus*y is infact bomb."

"Chill out bruh." King sat back an aggravated look on his face

Tick Tock laughed before standing and patting his sone on the back. "I trust you on moves like this you dont need my premission." he smiled affectionately at his son "This going be yours one day you think she qualified she good."

so yall can think my dad for a boring 6 hour car ride to florida and my boyfriend for going to work and no texting back So here yall go wrote this in between naps.


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