♧♣Chapter 5 ♣♧

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Chase sat beside me, his hand secretly resting on my thigh as I finished up my story about how I robbed Money and got away with it.

"So you really robbed him... and shot him." The night manger for all of Chase's traps looked me over. "Chase she just another weak b!tch looking to play you."

"I will not tolerate you disrespecting her!" I pulled his hand into the palm of mine massaging lightly. "She is a member of our team I expect her to be treated as such ... Taurielle and her partner deserve the same respect that we give everyone in this room."

I smiled as Chase defended my honor. A burner that Chase had rung and he pulled it out "talk to me."


"What's good Fam."


"Yeah I gotchu on that work, imma send my girl down to Handel business for me."


"Nah she more than capable and she got her own white girl."


"Yeah it's pure but look I'm in a meeting I'm gon send her and y'all can work all that out."


"I need you to handle some work for me. "

"From who our meeting still not over.."the same Hispanic motherfvcker that has been talking the whole meeting spoke once again.

Chase pulled out his gun and shot the nigga in the head "Damn I got tired of him talking." I stared wide eyed at Chase but everyone else in the room seemed unfazed "Call Ricardo he need to send a nigga that' s a little less chatty sit in for him while he recovering from surgery.

I looked at him and gathered my thought for my next statement. "I need an address and how much he need."

"I'll send you a text, make sure you take Keira, not Shay." I nodded before heading out the door. I guess it's time to prove my worth.


Me and Keira stepped out of the car in front of a huge warehouse. None of our traps were this big mostly because we never robbed big and we always moved our work as fast as possible so that we don't get snicked and lose all our product. I opened the back door following Chase's very specific instructions on how to get in with out getting killed. Once through the back door i walked twenty-seven steps to the right and felt for the metal door that would take me down the stairs. When I felt the latch I pulled on it to revealing a dim hallway with a staircase that led to another metal door except this one had locks. I took careful steps down the wooden stairs even though Chase had told me that they were reinforced by metal. When we both got all the way down I tried to remember the knock Chase had taught me.

One knock


three knocks


four knocks


two knocks

I went through the sequences and seconds later I heard a huge latch move and the door swung open real slow. Once it was fully opened it revealed three masked men with their guns pointed at me and Keira. Keira hands automatically went up while I stared down the barrel of a shot gun without moving.

"Password." the one in the middle said his voice was monotone and his finger was twitching on the trigger pre-gaming that I might guess wrong.

"I thought the knock was our password." Keira leaned over and whispered

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