♧♣Chapter 9♣♧

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Why did i say we should get these stupid tattoos. I couldn't sleep any my entire right side cause i had a low pain tolerance not to mention my skin was peeling and looking weird no matter how much ointment I put on it. We'd both gotten it on our dominant side which meant right for me cause I was right handed and left for King. I just failed to remember that i could only fall asleep when sleeping on my right side. We had hooked up a handful of time since we had gotten that Tats together but mostly we stuck to the business side of our ordeal. This how ever was not by my choice, im not the clingy type and i definitely wasn't out here tryna settle down but the d!ck was bomb as fvck. But who could blame him from falling back a little, killing Chase got us in the cross hairs of alot of gangs not that any of them would be stupid enough to come for our heads. Well that was except for the Cartel, you would be surprised how different cartels groups there were. 

For the most part Tick Tock only work with the supreme clientele, an elitist group that only sells to the most renown King Pins. Most of there clients were infamous in our communities street legends and untouchable. To work with them you had to prove your worth to the entire group. They added Tick Tock in after he was brought up on CCE charges 8 years ago. He literally held the judge, the jury, and the D.A. entire family captive until the end of the trail when he was declared innocent. Then he released all the family except the DA he murked them simply cause he was even brought up on the charges.

I slowed my car down in front of the trap before pulling around back to the entrance.Once through the back door i walked twenty-seven steps to the right and felt for the metal door that would take me down the stairs. When I felt the latch I pulled on it to revealing the hallway a waited a few seconds to let my eyes adjust before taking the staircase that led the second metal door with locks. I took careful steps down the wooden stairs, it was eerie and always freaked me out. When i got all the way down I instinctively started the knock sequence.

One knock


three knocks


four knocks


two knocks

I went through the sequences and seconds later I heard a huge latch move and the door swung open real slow. Once it was fully opened it revealed three masked men with their guns pointed at me and Keira. Keira hands automatically went up and I stared down the barrel of a shot gun without moving.

"Password." the one in the middle said his voice was monotone and his finger was twitching on the trigger pre-gaming that I might guess wrong.

"Are we going to go through this every time i come through?" I rolled my eyes at

"My enemies enemy is my friend." I spoke hurriedly and upon finishing my sentence their guns fell to the side

"Welcome to Candyland sweet heart." I rolled my eyes it was the same thing every time i came here.

Marvin tucked his glock into the front of his waistband and headed down another long hallway to yet another metal door. He banged two times and it swung open and out carried the conversations. No one was working since it was technically lunch most of the workers were sitting in the back half of the floor which everyone considered the break room. It had a couple couches, a flat screen with a bunch of gaming system, and a kitchen. On the first floor down there's 7 rooms with three pairs of bunk beds and three with full size beds. 

Marvin grabbed my wrist, not rough enough to bruise me but enough to stop me in my path. "What?!" i gritted out trying to keep my attitude in check he may have been below me in status but technically he was in my elder. 

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