15. Dallon Is Going Soft (Unlike his Dick)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Daddy Dal."

"Thank you for being honest. Now, go and fetch Sinatra and I'll go set up the movie, okay?"He suggests, watching as Brendon nods, giving the humans covered chest a small peck before he's scampering out of the room and down the hall, in search of where he had last left Sinatra.

Entering his bedroom, Brendon is shimming off his jeans and kicking them off at his feet, sighing at the content of being without pants. Dallon was getting increasingly more use to having Brendon not wear jeans or trousers of the sort, allowing the Hybrid to wear what he wants as long as he's not completely naked.

"I want to tell 'ou a secret b-but don't tell Daddy Dal,"Brendon whispers to his stuffed Giraffe once he has found the soft toy lodged between the bed and the wall from where he had fell during the night. He's brushing of Sinatra carefully, soothing down the tuff of hair like fur at the top of the giraffes head before bringing him close enough for Brendons lips to meet the giraffes so called ears."I really like Daddy Dal. But shhh."

"I know! But he's so sweet an' kind an' funny!"Brendon giggles after 'listening' to what Sinatra has to say to him. He gives the Giraffe a pointed look, lips pouted and tail swaying behind him as he speaks."Our secret."

Content that Sinatra has got the message and that he's going to keep the secret, the little is grabbing at the paci that sits on the beside table and making his way down the stairs with the two items, plopping himself down on the sofa as Dallon fiddles with the DVD player.

"Is Hercules okay with you? I'm afraid it's the only one I remember."He's apologising as he settles onto the sofa beside the little, remote in his hand.

"It's okay!"Truth be told, Brendon has only watched Monsters Inc and Mulan but he'd rather let Dallon believe he's watched all of the Disney films so he can be the Disney Knowledge Prince. Dallon's past Little has probably watched all of the Disney Films, it would explain why he has so much stashed in his drawers.

"Where are your jeans?"

"Lost 'em."


"I dunno that's why they're lost, Daddy Dal."

"Don't have a smart mouth,"Dallon says not unkindly, a hint of amusement as he pokes Brendons nose. The Hybrid lets out a whine, nuzzling his nose against the soft material of Dallons jumper. Soon enough, Brendons nuzzling ends up with the Hybrid laying his head on his lap, eyes wide as he watches the Disney cartoon with his paci bobbing slowly in his mouth.

Dallon is content with watching the Disney film with the little, haven been use to watching cartoons after cartoons in the past - and not as if he'd admit outloud but actually enjoyed some of them - and it minding to spend time with Brendon like this either. It was reassuring because it meant Brendon was relaxed and Dallon knew what the Hybrid was up to, calming his own mind in the process.

Running his fingers through Brendons hair, the man can feel the warmth spread through his chest as he hears Brendons soft purrs, a sound that's slowly becoming the norm around here. He'd never thought he'd like such a sound until Brendon came along, hell, he wasn't even fond on Hybrids or cats until Brendon appeared.

"Daddy Dal?"Brendon mutters around his Paci, turning onto his back but remaining with his head on Dallons lap. He looks up with innocent eyes, clutching onto Sinatra.

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