Chapter 19: Surprise

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Chapter 19: Surprise!

(( Jennys point of view ))

"What the fuck?"

That's all I heard my brother say when I walked into the house.

And when I stepped into the living room, I could completely understood.

Why were my mom and dad standing in the living room?

"What?" I said not completely grasping their presence.

"Max! You look so handsome!" My mother said pinching his cheeks.

He moved his face away, clearly not amused buy her affection.

"Jennyfer.. My God you've grown up so much!" She said embracing me in a hug.

"She needs to stop." My father joked.

Me and brother looked at each other. I don't think he could completely grasp they were here either.

"Why didn't you guys call and tell us you'll be coming down here like you always do?" Max asked them.

"Yeah?" I agreed.

Don't get us wrong, we love our parents, it's just.. a little freedom is nice you know?

"We wanted to surprise our kids." My dad smiled.

"But why?" Max asked them. It was in a rude tone too. He could of been more nice about it.

They just ignored his comment.

"Jenny I can't get over how gorgeous you are now! I bet the guys are all over you!" My mom said excitedly.

"No mom. Guys don't like nerds."

"Shut the fuck up." I sad hitting my brother on the arm.

"Language!" My dad yelled from the kitchen. He went to go make himself some coffee.

But if Max were to cuss he wouldn't say a thing. Talk about favoritism huh?

"Let them be! They're almost adults." My mom defended me. She was super chill about anything.

"Do you have a boyfriend? No who cares about that. Are you still a virgin?" She asked me in a serious tone.

"She better be." My dad called out.

"Obviously she is. Look at her."

I don't know if Max said that as a joke or as a lie... But he knows me and Frankie did it, so why would he lie?

I looked at him for his opinion. My eyes said 'Should I tell the truth?'

All he was shrug his shoulders. Which basically meant, not my business, not my problem.

"I'm gonna go take a piss, bye." and with that he left me with my wondering parents.

"Do you hear that Greg? He's just like you when you were a teenager." My mom pointed out to my dad.

They're high school sweethearts (:

"If so, then he must have a lot of girls over when we're away." My dad laughed to himself. "Those were the days."

Honestly, dad should really think about what he says sometimes. And this..was one of them. I guess he finally noticed mom wasn't happy and stopped laughing.

"But that's because I met you baby." He said pulling her into a hug.

She pushed him off. She wasn't buying it.

My dad's such a dumb ass.

"Well.." I said as I took a seat at the table.

I decided I was going to tell them the truth. Yup, even pops.

"Do I wanna hear this?" My dad asked.

Nope not at all.

"Max!" My mom called out.

Why is she calling him in here for this!


"Get ready, we're going to dinner."

All he did was respond with a big burp.

"Where did all his manners go?" My dad asked me.

"I don't know."

"We'll talk about this over dinner." My mom clapped her hands. "Go get ready."

Dinner.. Why there? :(

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