Chapter 1: Quick Convo

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Chapter 1: Quick Convo

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath checking my iphone. I got out of bed and went to Max's room.

"Max.." I whispered through the crack of his open door.

No answer.

"Max!" I said a little louder. Still no answer.

We were already running late so I decided to do something I knew would get him up for sure.

"Crystal's downatairs" He shot up.

"Damn it I look horrible!" he said fixing his morning hair.

"I'm kidding." I giggled. "Get up, it's 8:10, the late bell already rang so yeah" I said walking out.

Mom and dad were barely home. They always traveled for their business they started. We had a big house, and we basically lived by ourselves to be honest. They didn't mind what we did as long as we got good grades, I wasn't pregnant, or my brother didn't get anyone pregnant.

I jumped in the shower and washed up quick.

I threw on a tight white shirt that showed off my curves and chest. It said "Nerd" which I am. For a nerd I gotta pat myself on the back and say that I do dress nice...

I slipped into some tight Hollister jeans that showed off my ass that everyone called "nice"

I brushed my teeth and thew on my red converse. "Hurry up Max!" I yelled to his room still hearing the shower run.

About 6 minutes later he met me down stairs. "Don't rush perfection, Nerd" he said, looking at me through the mirror.

"Whatever let's go. I don't want to miss this lesson we're learning in Biology cl-"

"Seriously." he cut me off. "I'm gonna tell you this because i'm your bro and I love you.."

I glared at him, knowing that whatever he was about to say, was going to be rude. "You, Jenny are gorgeous! All the guys in school think you're hot and wanna smash"

I rolled my eyes, That had to be a lie. "Not even lieing.. They tell me all the time. But you gotta lay off the nerdy shit. Its unattractive." We pulled into the school parking lot. I got out off the car and just looked him, not saying anything.

"At least i'll have a future." I said as i walked away from the car, mad at the fact he just called me unattractive.

It was already 8:23, I was 13 minutes late. Oh no, I really love bio and I was missing everything.

I rushed down the hall then BANG.

My chest collided with a bigger one. As i looked up at the handsome figure standing in front of me, my face immediately turned red and my mouth had slightly opened.

I just ran into Alex Jacobs!

"Whoa, You alright? I didn't see you.." he asked kind of concerned. By this time my mouth had closed, but my blushing didn't die down.

Before I could answer he spoke.

"What the?!" he looked at me shocked.

He probably thinks i'm about to die because my face wouldn't turn back to it's original color.

"You have your tongue pierced?" he smirked.

I nodded my head yes.

"You know tongue rings are hot... Especially if you know how to use them correctly." He bit his lip and leaned against a locker.

"Who knew a nerd like you would get such an R rated symbol?"

"Well there's alot you don't know about me Jacobs" I winked.

Just as he was about to speak, I walked away making sure my walk was a little sexy.

I still felt gaze on me, so before I entered my bio class, I licked my lips, making sure that the ring went extra slow as i put my tongue in my mouth.

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