Chapter 4: She's Back!

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Chapter 4: She's Back!

(( Jennyfers Point Of View ))

"Aye nerd" I heard my brother say from behind me.


"Can you go get me an apple? That weird girl is over there.."

I rolled my eyes. He needs to man up and stop being afraid of Crazy Carol. I mean yeah, she was a little messed up in the head. She said she was gonna kidnap my brother and feed him chicken food. But she's so adorable!


I went over there and grabbed an apple.

"Hey" she said a little to close to my face. "Haha.. hey Craz- I mean Carol."

"Your brother is beautiful like the sound of dogs making love. Id like to make love with him."

Yeah, she's weird. "Go over there... bring him this apple while you're at it. I smiled to myself, ohh he's gonna hate me.

She grabbed the apple faster than I expected and ran over to him, his eyes widened. I left the cafeteria.


Frankie? What the heck. What does he want.

"Hi" I said irritated at his presence.

"You look good..." Well That Was Random.

I just smiled. "You remember that one night at the party?"

I rolled my eyes and walked away. "Bye Frankie"

"See you at your house later"

My house? Max must be bringing some of his friends to smoke and drink since it's Friday. Since I don't wanna be the only girl, i'll call my best friend Scarlet over.

She's the only person who can bring my 9th grade inner self back. We get so wild when we're together. None of my brothers friends ever saw my crazy side, they just see the nerd part of me, but if Scarlet comes over and I feel like socializing then they might be in for a shock.

I went to the bathroom and fixed my eyeliner. The eyeliner made my emerald green eyes stand out even more. I pulled out my phone and texted scarlet

"Ayooo <3"

S: "Whatsup babe?"

"My place tonight? Brothers friends are coming over, don't wanna be alone with guys haha"

S: "Your bros hot, his friends hot, you're hot Sounds like a plan"

"You stupid lol." she wasnt in bio so I assumed she skipped today.

I sent another text. "Home?"

S: "Hell yea. Fuck school ;-) And your bro"

I laughed. "Just let yourself in, i'm on my way"

S: "You're gonna ditch?! Wow wow wow"

Yeah I still had my 9th grade self inside. "Yeup see you in 10. Love you cuteness"

She replied with a smile.

I went back in the cafeteria to find my brother on one side of the table and Crazy Carol on the other. He saw me and ran to me.

"I'm leaving. Scarlet's waiting for me"

"Im ditching with you!" He said looking at Carol. "I hate you."

I laughed and pushed him slightly. "You'll get over it"

We started to walk out of the school gates and he paused. "Whats up?" I asked him.

"Waiting for the homies, they're gonna tag along."

"Alright, i'll see you at the house then"

I opened my house door. Went upstairs to find a sleeping Scarlet on my bed. I jumped on her. She woke abruptly.

"You bitch! You scared me" She laughed holding her chest.

"Whatever. Hungry?"

She shook her head no. "I already ate"

She was like family, so I didn't mind that she let herself into our fridge and everything.

"Guess what!" I said now sitting on the edge of my bed.

She raised an eyebrow. "I talked to Alex Jacobs today!"

She just stared at me.

"I'm serious.."

"You.. worked up the courage.. to talk to.. Alex Jacobs? Yeah ok" she was laughing her ass off now.

"No we ran into each other" I blushed remembering what had happened.

"He told me my tongue ring was hot."

She sighed. "As hot as he is, he's no good for you I would know."

They used to mess around for a while.

"Yeah I know! Im not saying we're gonna fuck or anything."

She smiled as she heard Max yell out "Yo"

Scarlet loves Max. They're kind of close to hooking up, thanks to me. I'm such a great sister / friend

"I'm upstairs." I yelled back.

"How's my hair?" She asked, as she fixed it multiple times.

"You look good. Don't trip"

Buuuurp. "Sup girls" my obnoxious brother came in.

"Gross Max." I rolled my eyes.

"And your friends?"

"Oh they went to they're house to bring the bottles and their clothes. They're spending the night." I just nodded my head.

"Are you Babe?" He asked a blushing Scarlet.

"I'll see.." she shrugged her shoulders

"You better" He said kissing her on the cheek.

"No PDA please." I got up from my bed, and crossed my arms.

"Aye sis, you have the bud?"(Marijuana)

I kept it in my room because my parents trust me and think I don't do any of that stuff and they constantly check up on my brother and I was a good enough sister to hide it from them. "Yup" I said popping the P.

"You smoking?" He asked.

"A hit or two wont hurt.. now will it?" I winked at them

"Looks like 9th grade Jenny might come back tonight" I laughed

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