Chapter 14: Different

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Chapter 14: Different

(( Jennys point of view ))

"Mm Alex.." I moaned in a slight whisper. "Not here." I scolded him, but not really fighting him off.

A part of me wanted this, but I couldn't allow it to happen. His kisses traveled all the way to my belly button. My hormones, going crazy by the second.

"Wow, you're so beautiful Jennyfer." His hands caressed my stomach curves. "And you're all mine." He said, as he brushed his soft lips along my panty line.

"No.. not h-"

I shot up out of my sleep. Awoken by my phone. What the hell? Did I really have that type of dream about Alex Jacobs? Ok. I need to get my shit together. My forehead, moist of sweat, my breathing was heavy. I looked at my clock, it was only 11:26pm.

I got up and splashed warm water on my face. I noticed my phone light flickered on the screen so I went to go check it. I had gotten a missed call from Alex 5 minutes ago. It was probably a mistake so I didn't bother calling back. I sat back down on bed trying to remember everything that had happened in my dream. Honestly, i feel like he'd be a good lover. I giggled to myself but quickly shook the thought out of my head. No Jenny. We don't fall for players.

My ringtone went off, my screen read 'Jacobs :)' He must of needed the homework for Bio.. even though he could just ask tomorrow?

I was debating if I should answer it or not. I was pretty nervous to be honest.

"Hello!" No, to excited

"Hey.." No, sounds like i'm boring to talk to...

I cleared my throat and pressed the answer button on my iphone. "Hi." I said plainly.

I hope I didn't sound to stupid...

"Jenny!" He sounded kind of happy actually

I laughed, "Hey Alex."

"Hey um, are you busy right now?"

I'm thinking if I should say yes so it seems like I have an interesting life... and also, I can be different from all the other girls who just rush to his side because THE Alex Jacobs asked them to hang out, oh my gosh (fan girl scream)

"Yeah, sorry."

He chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" I questioned him.

"Because I know you're not."

"And how would you know that?"

"Because Jenny.."

I swear when ever he says my name, I get butterflies like crazy!

"You're never busy. Not to be rude, but you have no life. Your brother. He the one that has a life" he finished.

"Yeah you're right." I laughed and he so did he. "So why'd you ask?" I said as I turned on the radio. ET was on.

' You're so hypnotizing.. ' When Katy Perry sang that line I immediately thought of Alex and his good looks. Definitely hypnotizing.

It was quiet on the other line "Um- uh, actually.."

Is he seriously stuttering right now? He probably has to sneeze and it's making his sentences all choppy.. It can't be because of me thats for sure!

"Any day now." I joked.

"I was bored." He admitted. "Want to hang out?"

"Why me out of all the girls?"

He ignored my question.

"Come on.."

Even though my parents weren't home, I knew sneaking out wasn't really a wise thing to do.. And with Alex Jacobs for that matter. But I wanted to leave my good nerdy ways behind. I don't know why, I just do. I wanna live that thrilling life like in freshman year. Just go out being daring and taking risks. And have a life... it's sad that like he said, I don't have one.. plus, I really wanted to see him.

"I know you want to see me." He teased

"HA!" I laughed loudly on purpose. "What makes you think that kiddo?"

I heard him smack his lips. "Who doesn't want to see me?"


"I'm kidding." He said fast before i could hang up. "Don't worry, I.. wanna see you too."

Before I knew it, I was smiling from ear to ear.

I knew alot of girls threw themselves at him, or always did what he said and wanted. But I wanted to be different.

"Well you can see tomorrow at one. Nighty night."

"Are you seriously about to hang u-"

"Yep," I said cutting him off before he could say the 'P' in up.

"Night." I made a kissey noise then hung up.

Don't get me wrong, I was craving to see his beauty but I don't want to be like every other girl. Even if I am just a friend in his eyes.

I want him to remember me as the girl who was hard to know and get.

After all, guys enjoy a little chase.. right?

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