Chapter 11: It Hurts

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Chapter 11: It Hurts Even Though You're Not Mine

(( Jennys Point Of View ))

"No, really. Just let me" He pleaded.

"Alex, I have my own money." I said shoving it in his face. "How much is it?" I asked the cashier stepping in front of Alex.

With his arm, he moved me aside and told the guy he'd pay for both of orders.

He smiled at me and handed me my ice cream cone.

I honestly hate when people pay for my things.. It's just a pet peeve of mine to be honest.

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks I guess.."

He just smiled at me.

Wow he's beautiful. I know guys aren't really suppose to be called beautiful, but he was just jaw dropping hot. From his hair all the way to his feet. He has the perfect jawline, big dark mysterious eyes, just everything about him was perfect.. Well except for the fact he was a player and had a little bad side, which I found extremely attractive.

"Helloooo?" His voice slowly crept in my mind.

"Oh.. what happened?" I asked coming back to reality.

He laughed a little. "I was asking you how your ice cream was... but from the looks of it, i'd say it's so good it had you zoning out?"

Yeah, the ice cream made me zone out.. we can go with that.

I gave him a light smile.

We went to a few stores, just looking around. I didn't really see anything I liked, plus I wouldn't allow him to buy me anything anyways.

It felt like we were on a date in a way. We even took silly pictures in the photo both!

We had came across the wishing fountain and he held me from the back to cover my eyes.

I never had butterflies like that in my life before.. just feeling his touch on my skin was electrifying.

After I made my wish our hands slightly touched and I could have swore he was about to grab my hand but then I saw the cutest little puppy ever and ran towards it. Im a dog lover haha.

"Awwwwh! Look at the little puppy!" I let out, crouching down to my knees to pet the baby Yorkie.

"You like dogs huh?" he smiled at me.

"Love them! And playing the guitar" I answered, still petting the dogs golden brown fur. "It's so cute!" I told the owner.

"I got him for sale. He was only $75. It'll be going on for about two months or so." I looked up and the owner was gorgeous! She favored Kylie Jenner.

I looked at Alex and I could see he thought the same thing. His eyes were basically popping out of his sockets.

Alex being the hottie that he is obviously caught her attention, a faint blush grew on her cheeks. "Hi.." She greeted shaking his hand.

"Hey beautiful."

I rolled my eyes in disgust. I don't know why I was feeling jealous.. He's not my boyfriend but I couldn't help it.

You know when you have a crush and who ever looks at them, laughs with them, hugs them, anything.. you just wanna kill them because they're yours and you don't like to share? Yeah well this was one of those moments.

He had completely forgotten I was there! I stood to the side with my arms folded across my chest and I impatiently waited as the two exchanged numbers in front of me.

To be honest, my heart broke a little.. and my self esteem? Yeah that went all the way down.

Even though he has NO clue what I feel for him, it was still wrong of him to get her number, he's so cheating on me!

Kidding, he's single and it sucks.

They finally said their goodbyes and we walked away.

"That dog was super cute huh?" He asked me while smiling down at the piece of paper with her number.

"The dog or her?"


"Nothing." I said, trying not to look bothered.

Talk about a day with my crush ruined.

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