Chapter 17: Different Point Of Views

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Chapter 17: Different Point Of Views

(( Jennys point of view ))

"Can you believe him!?" I some what cried and yelled at my best friend, Scarlet.

"Does he really think i'm stupid enough to fall for him?" I asked her in between tears.

All she did was answer me with a "Shh."

She started playing in my hair to calm me down.

"Jen, I told you to be careful.."

"But Scarlet, I was! I don't even know why i'm so hurt.. It's not like we were going out. I bet I look so stupid right now.." I covered my face with my hands. "Don't look at me!"

She rolled her eyes. "Jenny-"

"I was careful!" I cut her off. "I didn't hang out with him when he called me late at night, I always looked disinterested when we hung.. I was day dreaming about his beauty, but he doesn't know that! I didn't really let him pay for anything at all! If anything, it was him who let his guard down!"

"Sweetie. That's what he's supposed to do. That's how he makes girls fall for him.. And look, he's winning."

"Nu-uh" I shook my head. "I'll never fall for a player."

"Easier said than done.. especially when they know all the right things to say."

I ignored what she said. But who am I kidding? They are really smart.

"What if he actually began to get real feelings? What if I actually started growing on him?"

You know how they say when your gut tells you something, you're usually right? Well I don't know if i'm correct, but sometimes I actually got that vibe from him. That he kind of.. liked me? Nah i'm just stupid. Because honestly when you like someone you always over think the littlest things..

"He will never change from his player ways." She said shaking her head.

"You're right.. Well I do wanna go to that party... Are you down to go with me?"

"Of course! Tomorrow we can go to the mall and pick out a pretty dress for you!" She clapped her hands and wiped the tears from my face.


(( Alex's point of view ))

"I think she caught me bro." I told Frankie while grabbing a beer from the fridge. I tapped it twice with thumb, then opened it.

"Why do you think that?" He asked me, not looking up from the screen.

"She asked who put me up to it. I think I did everything to fast." I put my hand on my forehead. "I'm such a dumb ass."

He paused his game. "Why does it matter to you if it didn't work?"

Why did it matter?

Maybe it was because she was interesting. She didn't talk about sex all the time like every other girl.

She didn't try making out every two minutes. She knew how to keep a conversation going, and kept it interesting. Or maybe because she had a little attitude to her that kept me on my toes to see what her next move was. Like when she didn't rush to my side when I called her, but instead hung up and made me wait.

Or the fact that she doesn't really starve herself. That's she kind of independent and likes to pay for her own things and doesn't depend on me.. But now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind, just because she didn't want me to.

She didn't try to hard for my attention.. In fact she didn't try at all. Which I think she's either lesbian or blind because who doesn't want my attention? Lol, no i'm kidding.

But maybe... just maybe, she was actually growing on me?

Oh! And I love the fact that she's a good girl, but has a bad side when she wants. That was a turn on.

Plus, she is gorgeous. And her hands? They were super soft.. I could hold them all day...

"Earth to Alex?" Frankie spoke, interrupting my thoughts.

I sipped my beer. "Because i've never lost a dare or anything duh."

"Or maybe because you're starting to fall for her, so you wanted more time with her?"

I laughed super hard. "My shoes are tied Frankie, no one's falling over here. Players don't fall."

All he did was roll his eyes. "You can feed your self that bull shit, but not me. It's clear she's growing on you."

I honestly don't think so?

"Mm.." I thought about it. "Nah."

"Alright. Whatever." He said, pressing the resume button on his Xbox.

"Aye, come with me to the party? Since nerd stood me up?" I laughed.

"Sure bro."

I just nodded and continued to sip from my beer can. I was deep in thought..

Falling for Jenny?

Lol doubt it. Even though I do kind of miss her and her hands..

Wait what? No I don't!

Damn. Beer really fucks with your mind.

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