Chapter 7: I Take It Back

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Chapter 7: I Take It Back

(( Frankies Point Of View ))

If she can't have me, then she can't have anyone! Not even Alex. So, I decided to talk to him.

It was Saturday afternoon, me and him left the party around 3 in the morning. We were at his place about to go paint balling.

"Alex" I said shirtless, with a towel wrapped around my lower half.

Alex rolled his eyes. "I like pussy bro."

"Yeah yeah yeah" I laughed. "I need clothes."

"I got you. Shirts are in the closet, pants, in the 3rd drawer to the right."

"Alright thanks."

About 10 minutes later I closed the front door and got in his car. "We need to talk"

"You sound like a chick."

"Whatever" I laughed. "Don't do it."

He looked at me confused

"The dare.. with Jenny and hooking up."

He shot me a look, his eyes wide open.

He felt my forehead. "You straight?"

I slapped it away, "Yeah dude. It's just- I thought about what you said about her being a nerd and that'll totally ruin your rep."

It was silent. "Plus, she wouldn't even go for you... She'd suspect something if you tried getting at her out of no where."

"No worries. I can still make her fall for me. Like you said yesterday 'That Charm'" he put his finger in quotes when he said that.

"Hands on the wheel dude."

It fell silent again.

The nerd thing? Yeah I could care less about. I just needed an excuse to make him call off the dare. I don't want him to have her. And that's that.

"I'm not calling it off" He stated. "Plus, it's not like i'm gonna catch feelings. I'm just gonna make her fall for me so she gives it up."

This raged me. "You can't just use her!"

"Dude, you do the same thing as me!"

"Why do you care of all a sudden?" He spoke again.

"I don't." I lied.

The car stopped and I noticed we were here. "Whatever just drop it"

"You brought it up?" He argued.

"Come on so I can kick your ass already" I smirked.

He's still not getting away with this. I HAD to talk him out of it.

She's M I N E.

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