Finding Love Where it was Supposed to Be

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I gripped the paper tightly, my face being ruined and twisted with tears. I was angry at myself for so many things, and I screamed them out as I ran through the rooms of my house, unsure of what to do with myself.

"I could have kissed him! I could have kissed him, and he would be free. He could be with me. He loved me, and I decided to ruin it by wishing for a complete douche to come save me. What kind of person am I?" I screamed, thrusting myself onto the couch, where I beat the sense out of the cushions as if they had any.

I ran in circles, practically, tugging at my hair and crying painfully. What could I do to get him back? Beg his superiors for one more wish? I hated myself so much for doing him so wrong...I loved him more than anything in the world. All I wanted was one more chance, one more chance so that I could free him and let him be human.

I reread the paper over and over again, searching for notes on how to re-summon him, but there was nothing. I kept reading the words that spoke of how he loved me and hated myself more every time I read it. How could I be so stupid as to think that he didn't want to kiss me, that he didn't love me? Actually, it's quite reasonable, considering how my last "relationship" went, but that's beside the point.

I got on my laptop, searching over and over again how to summon genies, but all I got were cartoon images. What was I expecting, really, from a computer? The computer didn't know about Orion, or what he was.

I laid on the couch, crying my eyes out and gasping for air, replaying every single moment that I had with Orion in my head. The last thing I replayed was the dance, how he held me, how he looked into my eyes, how he made sure every dangerous move I made was executed safely, how beautiful it felt when his fingers fluttered just above my body and made my dress peel off me, how it felt to be within centimeters of his lips...

how it felt to watch him kneel down and propose to me...

That could have been real, I thought as I beat myself in the head with more images. I could have just kissed him, and since I've been madly in love with him and had to force myself not to kiss him for almost an entire month, I was pretty sure the kiss was pure and true. I love that man.

Then, a thought occurred to me. I felt hope and optimism rush through me and put a bounce to my step as I ran to my cell phone, calling the airport as I sprinted out of the house. "When is your soonest flight to Scotland?"

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